From genomics to Olympics: Exercise as a strategy to help China face the challenges in industrialization Zhen Yan, Ph.D Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine Duke University Medical Center The 16 th Great Wall International Conference of Cardiology Nov. 5, 2005, Beijing
CHF results in fast-twitch muscle-specific myopathy and mitochondrial disorder
CHF results in decreased mitochondrial oxidative enzyme expression
MHC IIa Dystrophin CD31 Fiber type-specific capillary density determination in mouse skeletal muscle
CHF results in decreased capillarity around type IId/x+IIb fibers
Summary 1.CHF induces multiple abnormalities in fast- twitch, glycolytic fibers in CSQ mice, which may play a primary role in the development of exercise intolerance. 2.Slow-twitch, oxidative fibers seem to be resistant to the pathological insults associated with CHF, which may imply that skeletal muscle contractile activity may protect the myofibers.
Mouse models of obesity and metabolic syndrome Normal chaw High fat