Global Warming
30 year average as baseline over the period from 1870 to 2005 (Washington Post)
GISS (NASA) has designed its model to predict both sea surface and surface air temperatures up to 50 years in the future
The colors denote peak July temperatures as follows: Violet = 79-85° F; Green = 86-92° F; Yellow = 93-99° F; Red = ° F; Dark Purple = °F
The plot shown below consists of measurements made on a mixture of Nitrogen and Oxygen (in atmospheric proportions) containing also variable amounts of CO 2 -gas in a chamber that was subjected to thermal radiation; the three plots refer to different rates of allowed temperature increases The message from this plot: experimentally, it is clearly demonstrated that the addition of increasing amounts of CO 2 to an otherwise constant atmosphere causes a systematic rise in gas temperature
June 2009, the first maps of CO 2 and CH 4 distributions worldwide