1 FedCloud Task Force Demo EGI CF2012 – Munich 28/29 March Matteo Turilli
2 What users are asking for IaaS and then control: running directly VMs for multiple purposes. VM images: pre-defined, tailored, easy to maintain VM images. Specialised hardware: 24+ core machines. Portals: running portals on an IaaS in order to get the usual benefits of CC. Multiple hypervisors: they may have already VMs ready to deploy. Data-intensive distributed applications: i.e. Hadoop framework, large storage provision. Integration: CC is not all-or-nothing.
3 CNRS LMU OerC Masaryk TUD IFAE Cyfronet SixSq BSC CESNET TCD SRCE DANTE FZJ GRNET GWDG Utrecht STFC SARA KTH INFN FCTSG EGI.eu Task Force Members Community Driven 60 individuals. 23 institutions. 13 countries.
4 Workgroups – Sep 2011/March 2012 VM Management. OCCI 1.1 proxy for multiple IaaS Data Management. CDMI proxy for multiple IaaS. OVF Information Systems. Extended GLUE2 schema. LDAP server Accounting. Cloud Usage Record (UR) schema. UR server. UR client for each IaaS Monitoring. Nagios with cloud probes Notification. Push system (ActiveMQ) Federated AAI. X509 certificates. Support for Virtual Organisations (Vos) Img catalogue. StratusLab marketplace
5 Federation Testbed Resource Providers OpenNebula, OpenStack, WNoDeS, … VM Mngmt OCCI 1.1 Data CDMI 1.0 OVF Information GLUE 2.0 LDAP Monitoring Nagios Accounting OGF UR UR+ & StAR EGI Wide Area Message Bus ActiveMQ Notification Various AAI X509 (SAML & XACML) Clients Brokers
6 User x.509 Resource Provider GWDG OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 Information GLUE 2.0 LDAP Monitoring Nagios Accounting OGF UR UR+ & StAR EGI Wide Area Message Bus VM metadata Marketplace Resource Provider CESNET Resource Provider CYFRONET Resource Provider KTH Resource Provider CESGA Resource Provider Venus-C OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 Demo
7 Resource Provider GWDG OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 Information GLUE 2.0 LDAP Monitoring Nagios Accounting OGF UR UR+ & StAR EGI Wide Area Message Bus VM metadata Marketplace Resource Provider CESNET Resource Provider CYFRONET Resource Provider KTH Resource Provider CESGA Resource Provider Venus-C OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 OCCI 1.1 CDMI 1.0 Demo