Biodiversity at the University of Hertfordshire Michelle Dixon Environmental Advisor, University of Hertfordshire
Overview Environmental Policy and biodiversity management within the remit of the Environment Team, 2003: Integration of biodiversity and environmental specifications into the grounds maintenance contract. Audit of grounds maintenance company. Development of a Biodiversity Plan Traditional woodland management and the production of sustainable woodland products Traditional wildflower meadow creation and management Environmental interpretation and wider awareness Provision of education and recreation resources Biodiversity as an environmental strategy priority in the FHE sector Highly commended for a Green Gown Award, 2006
Policy and responsibility Environmental Policy from 2003, top management commitment to: ‘managing the university’s estates to improve the conservation value of habitats and enhance biodiversity’ Assigned within a job description: Ownership Allotted time rather than add on Greater expertise Build partnerships: Department of Estates, Ground Maintenance Staff and Academics. Continuity
Biodiversity and Environmental Specifications Procedures and requirements in the day to day work schedule New specifications on: Native species Providing food and nesting sites for wildlife Management of important habitats Synthetic chemical use Sustainable sources of peat and mulch Compost green waste Recycling litter
The Biodiversity Plan Survey Consultation/discussion Historical records Local BAP Senior Management agreement Prescriptions to protect, maintain, enhance, create Designated areas Quick reference map
The Biodiversity Plan
Theory into practice: The traditional management of Hazel Grove Woodland Wildflower meadow creation and management Bat and Bird boxes Species and habitats surveys
Interpretation and Awareness On site boards Leaflets and letters Website Newsletter Intranet Internal press Local press Green gown award
Site tour……