1. Stance 2. Set 3. Load 4. Approach 5. Extension 6. Follow-through
Toes inside heels Heels inside toes Weight on INSIDE balls of feet Bend at the knees Bend at the waist (shoulders over knees) Elbows down and relaxed Hands inside back shoulder Knocking knuckles lined up on bat
Front foot slides forward keeping weight on front inside quadrant of the foot. Weight 50/50
Bottom half of body Weight goes to front inside quadrant of back foot (70%) Hips shift Back big toe, knee, hip, and back shoulder all line up. Front knee drops in-VERY important
Top half of body Back elbow lifts-do not rotate upper body Slight movement in hands
MIDDLE JOINTS ARE KEY!!! Back elbow clears back hip Front elbow clears up and forward Barrel on plane with the ball-back elbow stays under barrel
Contact Barrel on plane Barrel in hitting zone as long as possible Wrist (palm up/palm-down), elbows (extended), and hips release/snap at the same time
VERY IMPORTANT-Extension allows for the hitter to stay in the ‘tunnel’ End of bat pointed at the pitcher Weight finishes 60/40-front to back EXTEND power toward the pitcher
2-handed or 1-handed Key is to make sure hitter is THROUGH extension before follow- through starts
Keep hitting simple 3 Questions to ask in a ‘poor at bat’ 1.Was I on Time? 2.Fundamentally was I correct? 3.Was it a good pitch to swing at?