Silicon Valley, a part of San Francisco Valley in Southern California in the United States, which is the name given to the San Jose valley. The reason for this name, are silicon producers in intensive production and development activities in the region. Some time later, It was a term used to refer to high technology sector. Brief History of Silicon Valley
Everyting begins to intensive cooperation with Stanford University for military research. During the Cold War, the connection of military - academy cooperation increased to make new inventions. Revolution of Silicon Valley
Stanford University was developing new weapons systems and technologies. For Instance, The technology used to overcome the proverbial wall radar of Germany was developed by Stanford University’s academics.
With the reduction of the needs of national defense industry, Academics and students focus on the technology that we use a lot of in everyday life of the underlying electronic circuits and chip technologies. This is How Silicon Valley truly began to develop the technology we use. Developing the real technology
Frederic Terman was a Professor in Standford Universtiy who is really important character of Silicon Valley’s history. Who instill the spirit of entrepreneurship to the students and faculties was Prof. Frederic Terman. In order to prevent brain drain, He contributed for technologhy companies to be established HP technology giant can be shown as the most beatiful examples for this. Prof. Frederic Terman’s two students who are Hewlett & Packard established HP(Hewlett & Packard) by taking help from Prof. Terman. Frederic Terman’s Leadership
What the Angel Investor is who supports the start- up project by giving money. What the Entrepreneur is who is on the risk for profit. Angel Investor and Entrepreneur
Entrepneurs offer and show their bright ideas or start – up projects to the investors. After that, Investors examine these projects and decide something. If the decision is about continuing to support the projects, Investors start to deposit some money. If the decision is negative, Entrepreneurs start to find another chance. At the end of the projects that have been accepted, These projects can be technology giant on the sector and there’s some inspiring examples. What’s the relationship between Angel Investor and Entrepneur ?
Marvel Technology Group, Google, Tesla Motors, HP, Silicon Graphics, Kiva Software, SysntheSys Research, Alien Technology. And There are some famous technology companies working at Silicon Valley Such as, Apple, Oracle, Intel, Asus, eBay, Facebook etc. Some Big Projects and Companies based in Silicon Valley
What’s most effective event for developing technolog in Silicon Valley ? Do you want to work in the Silicon Valley ? What’s the most impressive thing of Silicon Valley for you ? What is the one of the most important character of Silicon Valley’s history? Some Questions releated with the topic
Ömer Aynur Baki Cankurt Thx for your interest