1 Biology I DNA- unit 5
2 Mating two living things breeding
3 The DNA message Depends on the order of the: Nitrogen bases
4 A change in DNA code mutation
5 An exact copy of a living thing clone
6 A chemical that acts as a messenger for DNA RNA
7 Formed from the same fertilized egg twins
8 Type of DNA that results from gene splicing recombinant
9 Energy given off by atoms radiation
10 Breeding to bring out the best characteristics of both parents selective
11 Chemical that controls traits DNA
12 Process by which DNA copies itself Replication
13 A section of DNA with bases TAAGCG will line up with what bases? ATTCGC
14 Recombinant DNA is used in making insulin
15 DNA makes up a part of chromosomes
16 What are the cell parts where protein is made? Ribosomes
17 A short section of DNA that codes for a trait is a: Gene
18 The messages of the genes of the chromosome are carried to ribosomes by RNA
19 True / False. In DNA A always joins with C. False
20 Uracil is found only in (DNA or RNA) RNA
21 If twins result from one egg fertilized by one sperm, they are : Identical
22 T/F. A mutation may occur when DNA copies itself True
23 T/F? Mutations may cause harmful traits to appear. True
24 When DNA transcribes RNA, what RNA base lines up with the DNA base “A” or adenine U, uracil. RNA has uracil instead of thyamine “T”.
25 T/F? DNA is found in cytoplasm. False. DNA is in the nucleus
26 Crossing two species of dog to get a faster more efficient tracker is an example of: Breeding
27 DNA forms the code for the making of : Proteins
28 What are two ways in which a mutation might occur? 1) radiation, 2) some chemicals, or 3) mistakes when DNA is copied
29 T/F? Cloning can result in a new kind of plant or animal. False. A new kind of plant or animal would be the result of a mutation that is passed on
30 How can DNA be used to arrest and convict a person guilty of violent crimes? Blood, hair, or sperm cells can be collected from the crime scene. They all contain DNA which is different in every person