Civilizations of Africa Ghana, Mali, & Songhai
I. Empire of Ghana 1. 1 st W. African Empire a AD a AD -Iron workers -Iron workers -Ruled by “44 Kings” -Ruled by “44 Kings”
2. Facts about Ghana a. Wealth from gold, ivory & slaves slaves -trade with Muslims for -trade with Muslims for salt & copper salt & copper -to keep food fresh -to keep food fresh b. Capital = Kumbi c. Strong Kings -strong army / iron -strong army / iron weapons weapons d AD Ghana conquered -Almoravids -Almoravids -N. African Berber -N. African Berber -Caused collapse of -Caused collapse of Ghana’s Empire Ghana’s Empire
II. Riches of Mali 1. Sundiata (1235 AD) a. Control Niger River a. Control Niger River b. Formed Mali Empire b. Formed Mali Empire 2. People of Mali enjoyed: a. Gold, ivory, cotton & a. Gold, ivory, cotton & livestock livestock 3. Capital=Timbuktu a. men & women a. men & women -equal status -equal status 4. Mansa Munsa a. “Mali’s greatest King” a. “Mali’s greatest King” -when he died: -when he died: -Songhai took over -Songhai took over
III. The Songhai Empire 1. Largest African Empire a. Atlantic to Lake Chad a. Atlantic to Lake Chad b. Prosperous towns b. Prosperous towns -crafts, business, law -crafts, business, law hospitals, religion hospitals, religion 2. Sunni Ali a. King who increased a. King who increased territory territory -controlled Timbuktu -controlled Timbuktu 4. Askia Muhammad a. “Songhai’s greatest King” a. “Songhai’s greatest King” -fair taxes, schools, -fair taxes, schools, Islam to W. Africa, Islam to W. Africa, Timbuktu became Timbuktu became “Athens of Africa” “Athens of Africa”