200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Tragic Figures 1 Tragic Figures 2 Tragic Figures 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Tragic Figures 1 Tragic Figures 2 Tragic Figures 3 Greek Lovers 1 Greek Lovers 2

Tricked into falling in love with his own reflection Category 1: $100: A

Who is Narcissus? Category 1: $100: Q

Murdered their husbands. Condemned to fill a jug with water for an eternity. Category 1: $200: A

Who are the Danaids? Category 1: $200: Q

Ignored Daedalus’ warnings and flew too close to the sun Category 1: $300: A

Who is Icarus? Category 1: $300: Q

Transformed into a cow and cursed to be forever bitten by gadflies. Category 1: $400: A

Who is Io? Category 1: $400: Q

Boasted that her weaving skills were superior to Athena’s Category 1: $500: A

Who is Arachne? Category 1: $500: Q

Forced to stand forever in a pool of water under a fruit tree. Whenever he reached for the fruit or water, they moved away. Category 2: $100: A

Who is Tantalus? Category 2: $100: Q

Forced to roll a rock up a hill forever. Category 2: $200: A

Who is Sisyphus? Category 2: $200: Q

Bound to a wheel of fire. Category 2: $300: A

Who is Ixion? Category 2: $300: Q

Transformed into a deer and killed by his own dogs. Category 2: $400: A

Who is Actaeon? Category 2: $400: Q

Helped Odysseus “see” his way home. Transformed into a woman when he killed a pair of mating snakes. Category 2: $500: A

Who is Tiresias? Category 2: $500: Q

Able to see the future, but cursed because nobody believes her. Category 3: $100: A

Category 3: $100: Q Who is Cassandra?

Category 3: $200: A A Titan that was condemned to carry the weight of the heavens on his shoulders.

Who is Atlas? Category 3: $200: Q

Murdered his father and married his mother. Category 3: $300: A

Who is Oedipus Rex? Category 3: $300: Q

Struck by a thunderbolt when his father’s chariot got out of control. Category 3: $400: A

Who is Phaeton? Category 3: $400: Q

She cleverly avoids the advances of various suitors; while he meets may challenges on his return from the Trojan War. Category 3: $500: A

Who are Penelope and Odysseus? Category 3: $500: Q

His mastery of the lyre persuaded Hades to allow him to return his wife to the land of the living on the condition that he not look back. Category 4: $100: A

Who are Orpheus and Eurydice? Category 4: $100: Q

She granted him immortality but not eternal youth. He eventually shriveled up of old age and became a cicada. Category 4: $200: A

Who are Eos and Tithonus? Category 4: $200: Q

They were both turned into sea birds upon their deaths. Category 4: $300: A

Who are Ceyx and Alcyone? Category 4: $300: Q

Aphrodite challenged her to impossible tasks. He asked Zeus to make her immortal Category 4: $400: A

Who are Eros and Psyche? Category 4: $400: Q

An errant gust of wind caused a discus to strike him in the head. Flowers sprouted from his spilled blood. Category 4: $500: A

Who are Apollo and Hyacinth? Category 4: $500: Q

She would only offer her hand in marriage to a man who could beat her in a foot race. Category 5: $100: A

Who are Atalanta and Hippomenes? Category 5: $100: Q

He crafted an ivory statue of a woman and fell deeply in love with it. Aphrodite turned the statue into a living human. Category 5: $200: A

Category 5: $200: Q Who are Pygmalion and Galatea?

They are forbidden to see each other by their parents. Because of a tragic misunderstanding, these two lovers commit suicide Category 5: $300: A

Who are Thisbe and Pyramus? Category 5: $300: Q

She hides in a bush to spy on him, and he accidentally kills her with his spear. Category 5: $400: A

Who are Procris and Cephalus? Category 5: $400: Q

She fires up a light in her tower every night, and he swims to see her. Category 5: $500: A

Who are Hero and Leander? Category 5: $500: Q