Patterns in Time and Space Living Things Interact
Pattern in Time: Living things follow certain behaviors based on the time of day, year, season, and some times several years. For example: every Spring certain trees bloom They are alive all year. However, they only bloom at one time per year- and every year it’s at the same time.
Different Species of Salmon spawn at specific times of year. “Spawn” means to return to where they were born to reproduce. (They lay eggs). Generally, some spawn in the summer and some spawn in the fall. They spawn at the same time of the year based on their species. Pattern in Time!
Patterns in Time : Bird migration as winter approaches
Pattern in Time: Mayfly swarm once per year (two years in the making)
Pattern in Time: Cicada hatching Many types of cicadas hatch yearly but Periodical Cicadas hatch every 13 or 17 years. The whole population in the area emerges at once.
Pattern in Space: You can actually diagram this pattern See how these geese fly in a V shape?
Pattern in space: Creosote Bushes Friggens, Mike These desert bushes’ roots release a poison that would kill other bushes’ roots. That keeps them evenly spaced and allows them to have their own sufficient water supply.
Pattern in Space: School of fish Remember Finding Nemo ?
Patterns in Space: Flock of geese and herd of cattle