Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Update 1ICMSSR 12/16/11 ICMSSR Meeting December 2011 Doug Forsyth, Co-chair, WG/MPAR
Overview Background 2011 Accomplishments Technology Development and Test Proof of Operational Concepts Discussion 2ICMSSR 12/16/11
Background Four Agencies (DOT/FAA, DOC/NOAA, DOD, DHS) Seven Radars (ASR-8/9/11, TDWR, WSR-88D, CARSR, ARSR-4) Risk Reduction Targets: –Cost Reduction –Multifunctionality –Dual Polarization 3ICMSSR 12/16/11
Overview Background 2011 Accomplishments Technology Development and Test Proof of Operational Concepts Discussion 4ICMSSR 12/16/11
2001 Accomplishments MPAR Unified R&D Plan 5ICMSSR 12/16/11 Original R&D Plan in Federal Research and Development Needs and Priorities for Phased Array Radar (OFCM, 2006). MPAR Symposium II Action Item called for update. Four versions developed over 12 months as program evolved. Final version published in June, 2011.
6ICMSSR 12/16/11 Organizes 70+ research elements in 2 major components: –Technology Development and Test –Proof of Operational Concepts Each element includes: –Timeframe –Priority –Technical and –Programmatic Risk Factors 2001 Accomplishments (Cont’d) MPAR Unified R&D Plan
2011 Accomplishments (Cont’d) 7ICMSSR 12/16/11 Promising results from National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT) & NSSL: Rapid updates: earlier detection; greater forecaster confidence shown in small (EF1) tornado study Completed DHS-sponsored Wind Turbine Clutter Study
Tornadic Supercell: 43 s Updates Strategy yields fast update times by concentrating on a sector and using beam multiplexing –NWRT PAR 60 deg sector 43 s updates –NEXRAD Conventional scan 4.1 min updates NWRT PAR 19 Aug 2007 KTLX ReflectivityDoppler Velocity
2011 Accomplishments (Cont’d) 9ICMSSR 12/16/11 Promising results from National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT) & NSSL: Rapid updates: earlier detection; greater forecaster confidence shown in small (EF1) tornado study Completed DHS-sponsored Wind Turbine Clutter Study
2011 Accomplishments (Cont’d) FAA’s NextGen Surveillance and Weather Radar Capability (NSWRC) Program: Collaboration with NOAA (OAR/NSSL) Assessing MPAR as an alternative for replacement of ASRs and TDWRs Refreshed Siting Analysis from 2006 MPAR Report Completed Initial Cost Study Completed Initial Spectrum Study 10ICMSSR 12/16/11
Overview Background 2011 Accomplishments Technology Development and Test Proof of Operational Concepts Discussion 11ICMSSR 12/16/11
Technology Development and Test ICMSSR 12/16/1112 Technology Development is current focus of NSWRC Program Drives timelines for MPAR (FID: 2017; First Deployment: 2023 Siting and Cost Studies based on siting scenarios that include Long Range Radars (CARSR/ ARSR-4) replacement. Government Engineering Team is main vehicle for FAA/NOAA collaboration.
Technology Development and Test (Cont’d) ICMSSR 12/16/1113 Dual polarized panel development efforts: Fabrication of NSSL/BCI slot- dipole underway –Proposed technology for transportable dual pol demonstrator Lincoln Lab panel –Leverages DOD funding –2 nd Version being tested –3 rd Version being designed OU building cylindrical array –Investigating alternate approach to addressing dual pol issues
Overview Background 2011 Accomplishments Technology Development and Test Proof of Operational Concepts Discussion 14ICMSSR 12/16/11
Proof of Operational Concepts EQ-36 project presents early opportunity to address ops concepts Modification of existing radar Includes home base (NSSL) experiments plus 4 deployments: –Types of Weather –Wind Turbine Clutter –Multifunctionality (Weather/Aircraft) –Aircraft Characterization Status: –Confirming/Clarifying Requirements –Investigating Lower Cost Options 15ICMSSR 12/16/11 32 Columns of 32 Elements 1024 Total Elements 3.2 square meters Antenna Electronics Subsystem (AES) Rotating Platform Electronics Subsystem (PES) Stationary Platform Electronics Subsystem (PES)
Overview Background 2011 Accomplishments Technology Development and Test Proof of Operational Concepts Discussion 16ICMSSR 12/16/11