Tayeesa and Anna Gel Electrophoresis
The process: Restriction enzymes cut DNA of interest The pieces of restricted DNA are placed into the wells on the gel. Then a voltage (current) is placed on the agarose gel, this happens by electrodes on both ends. The current separates the macromolecules by size and charge. (they move at different speeds depending on size) Negative moves towards positive end. (Anode)
Visualize the Process:
Blot: -Capillary action pulls an alkaline solution through the gel - transfers DNA through paper - denatures it -single strands of DNA stick to the paper
PCR Denaturing the double strand polymerase chain reaction multiplies pieces of DNA exponential multiplication of DNA PCR makes enough DNA to do Gel Electrophoresis on
Nylon Filter Sits on top of gel filter paper takes up genetic material process of blot Basically sucks up the genetic information Used to make the results readable
Radioactive Probe/ X Ray film paper plot exposed to solution containing radioactively labeled probe the probe is a single stranded dna that is complementary to dna sequence of interest attaches by base pairing to restriction fragments
Problems If it is not recognized by restriction enzymes: would be a long band If a scientist puts it on the wrong side then the gel would not move Notice no lines
When would you use gel electrophesis Visualize DNA see changes in a person’s DNA recognize what is not the same between two pieces of DNA crime scenes
Works Cited electrophoresis&h=270&w=593&tbnid=cfSMX7AMBJVIMM:&docid=9p_2nTcYHGYqfM&ei=QjqvVtigJ4Wp-QGw6JDwBA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjYye2VtNbKAhWFVD4KHTA0BE4QMwgyKAAwAA nPtdbKAhXGWT4KHcDJA1AQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fenfo.agt.bme.hu%2Fdrupal%2Fen%2Fnode%2F8926&bvm=bv ,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNGuVWA- MZ07BjwizNhOB22LQ47dyw&ust= hern_blot&bvm=bv ,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNEnF_x2Bdd6Xv5Z1ZQsLy_JXS6z_g&ust= Fid1.html&bvm=bv ,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNF8OYovkCdvYyxee5_mb_RLKcmQwA&ust= questions%2F16290%2Fhow-do-i-get-a-brighter-dna-bands&bvm=bv ,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNFe8TPNq49HHLrD_bIUb6aTUsasFA&ust= PCR%2520quantitation%2520of%2520cytokines&h=259&w=361&tbnid=FkK8bri71avGPM:&docid=uRaizcX1160IgM&ei=nT6vVtHcDoa3- AHfuYX4BA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiRn6upuNbKAhWGGz4KHd9cAU8QMwgtKBEwEQ Our textbook is where we gained most of the knowledge. GO BIO!