MICE Collaboration Meeting, 26-29.06.2005, Frascati 1 Roumen Tsenov Department of Atomic Physics, University of Sofia from a group of researchers from.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 1 Roumen Tsenov Department of Atomic Physics, University of Sofia from a group of researchers from the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia to join the MICE collaboration Letter of Intent from a group of researchers from the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia to join the MICE collaboration

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 2 We are here

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 3 St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia: More than students, 15 faculties, the oldest and the biggest in Bulgaria. Faculty of Physics: One of the biggest in our University (premises of the Department of Atomic Physics are not seen here)

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 4 The group  2 Associate Professors  1 Head Assistant Professor  PhD students  1 graduate student List: Dr. Roumen Tsenov, Associate Professor in Particle Physics, representative of the group; Dr. Dimitar Kolev, Associate Professor in Nuclear Physics; Dr. Ilko Russinov, Head Assistant Professor; Mariyan Bogomilov, PhD student; Andrey Marinov, graduate student; Two new PhD students.

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 5 Experience in HEP  HYPERON experiment at the Serpukhov accelerator (JINR-IHEP Collaboration)  CHORUS at CERN SPS WANF  HARP at CERN PS 1999 →  OPERA at CNGS (minor) 2002 →  GEM at COSY (Forschungscentrum – Juelich) Detector design and construction (Cherenkov counters, EM calorimeters, RPC) Monitoring systems Software development (Fortran, C++, MySQL, Oracle) Data processing and analysis

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 6 Motivation We want to continue our involvement in the field of Neutrino Physics Neutrino Factory project and related R&D experiments as MICE will have great impact and will make essential contribution to our understanding of neutrino properties and mysteries. We’d like to be part of this exciting enterprise!

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 7 Resources  Infrastructure: computer facilities, network, GRID cluster, Nuclear and Particle physics labs, mechanical workshop;  Joint Research Project sent to SNSF within SCOPES programme (Scientific Cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland); main applicant: Prof. Alain Blondel; years: 2006 – 2008; overall sum requested for Bulgarian partner ~50 kCHF.  Possible funding from national sources (not very likely).

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 8 Areas of Interest/Application in MICE  Design & construction of monitoring system (“slow- control”) for beam trigger, timing and particle identification system. We envisage design of the system and manufacturing of its components to be done in Sofia;  simulation of optical collection and design of upstream Cherenkov counter with liquid fluorocarbon radiator;  manufacturing of mechanical details for this counter;  development of software for off-line identification of beam particles (possible reuse part of existing HARP software)

MICE Collaboration Meeting, , Frascati 9 We hope our abilities, expertise and willing to work will help MICE collaboration in meeting its goals.