John Robert Schrieffer By: Tyler Schuttloffel
His Life He was born in Oak Park Illinois. Born on May 31, Graduated in Eustis High School in 1949.
Undergrad Studies 1949 he went to the Massachuestts Institute of Technology Majored in Electrical engineering for two years –Change to physics junior year –Wrote bachelor’s thesis on the multiple structure in heavy atoms
Graduate Studies University of Illinois –Researched with professor John Bardeen –Worked on problem with electrical conduction on semiconductor surface –Therd year developed the theory of superconductivity
In the mean time was a National Science Foundation member assistant professor at the University of Chicago
careers 1959 University of Illinois 1960 Bohr Institute 1962 University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia –1964 Mary Amanda Wood Professor in Physics
Careers Continued 1980 University of California in Sana Barbara –Chanseller Professor in 1984 –Director of the Institute of theoretical Physics in Flordia State University –Chief Scientist of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Memberships American Academy of Arts and Science National Academy of Science American Philosophical Society Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Academy of Science of the USSR
Awards Guggenheim Fellowship Oliver E. Buckley Solid State Physics Prize Comstock Prize National Academy of Science
The nobel prize in Physics John Ericesson Medal
bibliography aureates/1972/schrieffer-bio.html aureates/1972/schrieffer-bio.html