Happy Thanksgiving Student Name: Kalifa Smith Date: Nov 24 th Mr. Jiang, MECPS
What is the history of Thanksgiving? The First Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks to God for helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter.
When 4th Thursday in November.Its a tradio that has been celebrated by the Americans since 1863.
We Celebrate Thanksgiving by Family coming together to give thanks to God. We also have a big meal, with plenty Food and TURKEY!! How do we celebrate?
Tradition The Tradition of Thanksgiving is for family members to come together and have a great time. The family members also listen to music and EAT
What do you like the most about Thanksgiving? I like the music and the food the most. I love the music and my family dance. Also the Food is the Best.
My Wishes and Greeting on Thanksgiving For thanksgiving I wish to see another year and to have lots food. Also to have a great time dancing and eating on ths wonderful day!