Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-Based Practice The Star Model
Evidence-Based Practice Discovery – multitude of articles Summary – systematic reviews Translation – clinical recommendations Integration – change in practice Evaluation – change in health outcomes
Clinical Effectiveness of EBP Feasibility – is it practical Appropriateness – does it fit situation Meaningfulness – opinions, values, beliefs Effectiveness – best available evidence, not necessarily the best possible
Barriers to Translating Evidence into Practice Financial disincentives Lack of skills, facilities or equipment “Standard of Care” based on consensus Lack of knowledge – persons or experts Belief that “Guidelines” are cookbooks Misinformed lay public
Rating System for Grading Levels of Evidence Level I Multiple randomized controlled trials Randomized trials with large sample sizes and large effect sizes Level II Evidence from at least one well-designed RCT Single randomized trials with small samples
Rating System for Grading Levels of Evidence Level III IIIA Evidence from well-designed trials without randomization IIIB Evidence from studies of intact groups Ex-post facto and causal comparative studies Case/control or cohort studies
Rating System for Grading Levels of Evidence IIIC Evidence obtained from time series with and without an intervention Single experimental or quasi-experimental studies with dramatic effect sizes Level IV Evidence from integrative reviews Systematic reviews of qualitative or descriptive studies Case series, uncontrolled studies, expert opinion
Johns Hopkins Model of EBP Implementation Practice Question Identify an EBP question Define scope of practice question Assign responsibility for leadership Recruit a multidisciplinary team Schedule a team conference
Johns Hopkins Model of EBP Implementation Evidence Conduct internal and external search for evidence Critique types of evidence Summarize evidence Rate strength of evidence Develop recommendations for change in processes of care or systems based on strength of evidence
Johns Hopkins Model of EBP Implementation Translation Determine appropriateness and feasibility of translating recommendation into the specific practice setting Create an action plan Implement the change Evaluate the outcomes Report the results of the preliminary outcomes to decision makers Secure the support from the decision makers to implement recommended change internally Identify the next steps Communicate the findings