What are you waiting for?
CHRIST will come again.
Stay awake.
He will come. We do not know when.
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God Christ be in my thoughts. Christ be on my lips. Christ be in my heart. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer O God of all youth, we pray to You. We are young people and we want to celebrate life! We cry out against all that kills life: hunger, poverty, unemployment, sickness, repression, individualism, injustice. We want to announce fullness of life: work, education, health, housing, bread for all. We want communion, a world renewed. We hope against hope. With the Lord of history we want to make all things new.
Dismissal May each one of us be an agent of peace this day. May we recognise the dignity of every person we meet and treat each other with respect. Let us go in the peace of Christ. Thanks be to God. Prayer