1 1 EU developments in the MiFID review Council of the EU European Parliament November 2012: Note on progress of negotiations 13 December 2012: Council progress report on MiFID II 1 January 2013: Ireland takes the Presidency 15 April 2013: Latest compromise proposals from the Council 16 March 2012: Draft report from Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Expected implementation of MiFID II legislative proposals (at the earliest) 8 October 2013: Scheduled plenary session to vote on legislative proposals 20 June 2012: First compromise proposals published Q4 2013: Council expected to approve Parliament text (at the earliest) 27 September and 5 October 2012: ECON unanimously adopts reports on MiFID II and MiFIR respectively October 2012: Parliament votes on amendments to draft legislation but then refers matter back to ECON for further consideration 1 July 2013: Lithuania takes the Presidency Q4 2013: Commission consults on Level 2 measures (at the earliest) Q4 2013: Commission consults on Level 2 measures (at the earliest)
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