Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) of Dermatological Images H.H.W.J Bosman, N. Petkov, M.F. Jonkman
Image retrieval:
CBIR - what is it? Search for images that are similar to an input image Features that might indicate similarity Color Texture Shape Text tags etc...
iMedia Project – select query
iMedia Project – query results
GIFT – select query
GIFT – query result
Leiden 19 th -Century Portrait Database
Leiden 19 th -Century Portrait Database
CBIR in medical settings Seeking pathologically similar mammogram images Dept of Computer Science at Warwick university e
CBIR in medical settings l
CBIR in dermatology
Methods - the dataset 211 dermatological images from the UMCG image database Divided into 4 classes: Red, White, Blue, Brown Manually selecting area of healthy skin (70,110,90) and lesion skin (120,95,80)
CBIR in dermatology
Results with only color features 75% correct retrieval White is retrieved best Blue is the most difficult to retrieve Results vary with the ‘goodness’ of the selection of different regions.
From CBIR to CBCR (content based case retrieval) TEST CASE defined by PROVOKE query: Plaats:...Efflorescentie:... Rangschikking:... Omvang:... Kleur/Vorm/Omtrek:
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