Welcome to Gender and Society Pamela Collins, MA
Becoming Gendered The family is the lynchpin of gender, reproducing it form one generation to the next.
Becoming Gendered Self- as an Object First- views are external Later- Internalize views of self Internalize- only after experiencing others
Becoming Gendered Monitoring Internal Dialogues Monitoring selves Tell selves- what to do, look like and feel Use symbols to define self
Becoming Gendered Gendering Communication in the Family: Unconscious processes Social Learning and Cognitive development
Becoming Gendered Unconsciousness processes: Sigmund Freud Anatomy is destiny Little empirical support Family are critical to forming gender identity
Becoming Gendered Unconscious processes: Age 3- male & female development diverges Boys identify less with mothers, more with girls Complicated by lack of men in lives
Becoming Gendered Girls rewarded for interaction with mothers Mother seen as role model for femininity Boys rewarded for independence and roaming
Becoming Gendered Unconscious processes Discussing gender, not sex Not born to be connected not independent Masculine women and men value independence and distance Feminine men and women value relationships and closeness
Becoming Gendered Unconscious processes Ego Boundaries Where self starts and the world begins Female boundaries are permeable Male boundaries less permeable
Becoming Gendered Values of males & females Gender stereotypes Different expectations & achievement Different expectations for assertiveness Encourage gender appropriate behaviors
Becoming Gendered Parental communication & gender Mothers spend more time with children Mothers focus upon providing comfort, security Fathers talk more about previous generations Fathers encourage physical play Mothers more likely to talk about sex
Becoming Gendered Parental Communication Girls use both parents as role models Boys rely more on fathers as role models Parents communicate gender expectations through toys and games Household toys
Becoming Gendered Parental Modeling Masculinity & femininity Changing due to diversity in families Women breadwinners Fathers at home Gay & lesbian families Blended families
Becoming Gendered Parental Modeling Gender & Physical appearance Physical strength is masculine Being thin is feminine
Becoming Gendered Different contributions of fathers and mothers Fathers help with agency Mothers help with confidence with relationships Fathers play more, care takes less
Becoming Gendered Growing up masculine Don’t be feminine Be successful Be aggressive Be sexual Be self reliant
Becoming Gendered Growing up feminine Be sensitive and caring Negative treatment by others Be superwoman
Becoming Gendered Growing up without specific gender roles: Gay men ostracized for being perceived as feminine Lesbians scorned for being masculine Transgenders and intersexed people are isolated Hard to find role models
Gender Roles How did your parents and/or other primary caregivers persuade or encourage you to follow gender roles? Was this “push” based in culture and/or generational views?
Gender roles How was this accomplished in your family? Do you believe that this has or will influence your own parenting style/skills if you become a parent?
Gender roles How did your parents and/or other primary caregiver respond to the statement "I want to be….(career choice)… when I grow up"? What avenues did they take to either support or negate your thoughts?