TERRA UPDATE Launch Date NSIDC DAAC Launch Readiness MODIS Snow and Ice Products General Product Release Timeline.


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Presentation transcript:

TERRA UPDATE Launch Date NSIDC DAAC Launch Readiness MODIS Snow and Ice Products General Product Release Timeline

Launch Not Earlier than November 19, 1999 Maybe November 23 www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/schedule/mixfleet.htm

Day in the Life Operations Requirements Mission Critical (at launch) –NISE ingest, archival 2MB / day ingest from NSIDC V0 Server via SIPS interface –NISE distribution Distribute to LaRC and GSFC via DAAC-to-DAAC subscription delivery – Expect MODAPS to subscribe to GSFC DAAC if NISE required –4MB / day distribution Mission Essential –Ingest & Archival (L2 and L3) 8 GB/day ingest from PDR Server via SIPS interface –Distribute MODIS L2-L3 files 8 GB/day distribution via ftp (push/pull) and 8mm tape media QA updates to approximately 1000 granules/day Track data subscriptions and user orders

Key Dates Science Operational Readiness Review –November 9-10, 1999 at GSFC Launch Launch days –Receipt of first products Launch days –Release of data and products –25-50% of total products, maybe higher for S/I

Snow and Ice Data Products MODIS standard products –snow cover, L2 –level 3* daily snow cover –level 3* weekly snow cover –sea ice extent, L2 –level 3* daily sea ice extent –level 3* weekly sea ice extent** ASTER products –glacier extent –glacier velocity GLAS standard products –ice sheet elevation –ice sheet roughness MODIS research products (post launch) –sea ice motion –albedo AMSR products –snow depth (orbital) –gridded snow depth –snow water equivalent (orbital) –gridded snow water equivalent –sea ice concentration (orbital) –gridded sea ice concentration –sea ice type (orbital) –gridded sea ice type –other ice products ? (extent, fraction, temperature) *sinusoidal + EASE grids, pending resources *by ice surface temperature method

MODIS Snow and Ice Product Volumes and Processing Requirements Baseline AHWGP PhasingSnow and Ice SCF (2/96) (10/97) (6/97)* Processing Req. (MF) ? Processing Cap. (MF) ( ) ( ) ? Data Volume (GB/day)** ? ? Data Transfer (GB/day) ? ? ? * Assumes no additional processing at GSFC and generation of both L2G and L3 for polar grids at NSIDC. **Does not include archive of L2G product(s)

MODIS Product Volumes

DAAC Science Operations Status Summary System Readiness/Operability Staffing and Training Science Software Integration and Test Documentation Logistics DAAC Unique Extensions Ready for Science Operations Ready with workarounds Not Ready L+120L+180 8/10/99