Sigmund Freud By:Cori, Brianna, Chelsea, Rebecca, Beverly
His Life Born May Original Name was Sigismund Freud, but at age 22 he changed it To just Sigmund. Born in the city of Freiberg in the Czech Republic 1865-Admitted into the Gymnasium(a secondary School in Vienna) a year early Graduated from secondary school, Begins attending Vienna University to study In the medical field Researches about sexual glands on Of anguilas in Trieste(his 1 st personal research) 1877-Publishes his results on the central Nervous system of a specific larva Goes into the military for 1 year 1883-Joins Meynert's services in the Psychiatric Hospital House where Freud was Born
1884-Discovers the analgesic properties of cocaine 1884-He starts treating "nervous" disorders by means of electrotherapy 1885-Temporarily worked in a private clinic, which also used hypnosis Marries Martha Bernays-has 6 kids Developed many concepts which were later included in psychoanalysis Hitler became chancellor, searched Freud’s house, emigrated to England with his family. September 23, 1939-Freud died at age of 83
Freud throughout His lifetime!
Freud’s House and now a Museum
Major Theories/Concepts Stages of Development or Psychosexual Development Theory of Dreams Id, Ego, Superego Defense Mechanisms
Stages of Development or Psychosexual Development 1 st Stage~Oral Stage: Birth-2 years old. -explore world by using their mouth, learn to communicate. 2 nd Stage~Anal Stage: Approx. 2-3 years old. -children learn how to control elimination of bodily wastes(potty training) 3 rd Stage~Phallic Stage: 3-5 years old. -kids discover their sexual differences, leads to normal differences In male and female personalities. 4 th Stage~Latency Period: 5-12(Approx)years old. -boys play with boys, girls play with girls. Sexual interest is low or non-existent. 5 th Stage~Genital Stage: 12-climax of puberty. -sexual interests re-awaken.
Theory of Dreams Wrote the Interpretation of Dreams about this theory. Important in therapy, and an essential stage in studying psychoanalysis. Nowadays, there is a lack of regard for dream study, but it is indeed very important for psychoanalytic therapy.
Id, Ego, and Superego ID-Biological Forces~ governed by the “pleasure principle” or by violence.(ex. Hollywood focuses movies on violence, sex, or both) Ego-Surface of the Personality~ it’s the part you show the world. Governed by the “reality principle,” and realizes consequences. The ego develops with experience and accounts for the differences in developmental behavior(different ages act, and are expected to act differently). Superego-2 parts, conscience and ego-ideal ~conscience: decides what course of action to take(common comparison is the angel and devil on each shoulder) ~ego-ideal: idealized view of yourself, and your actions. Compares what is ideal, and what you actually do. *Both parts of superego develop also with experience.
Defense Mechanisms Compensation: making up for a lack of one thing with excelling in another Denial Displacement: redirection of energy from one thing to a more acceptable thing Fantasy: replacing the real thing with an imaginary thing. Intellectualization: treating emotional time un-emotionally. Projection: blaming someone else for your own failure. Rationalization: realizing your reasons aren’t always publicly acceptable, so replace them with something more acceptable. Repression: makes it so you can’t remember, but may hit you suddenly like at an unexpected time or in a dream. Regression: coping behaviors you use as a little kid re-occur(such as crying or throwing a tantrum) Sublimation: aggressive motivations may be redirected into more acceptable or productive actions.