Welcome ONC/IWG/IHE-USA/eHEX HPD Providers Directory Task Group Vendor/Industry Feedback Discussion November 22, 2013
Agenda Overview Problem statement Proposed approach Alternate technical solutions Scope of deliverables Project timelines Call for participation
Team Intros Open public process with broad input under ModSpec Have done significant due diligence Last call for industry feedback before taking next steps Seeking to leverage IHE-USA’s footprint to increase visibility of this approach Organizations collaborating: ONC, IHE-USA, IWG (Interoperability Workgroup), eHealth Exchange, and many more via the ONE ModSpec open process Parking lot for detailed discussions Overview
Develop a workable approach that is broadly supported and testable as soon as possible Resolve known issues with IHE HPD identified by real-world PD deployments Federation Facilitation Error Handling across PD’s Problem has been validated by ONC sponsored pilots for federated PD solutions Problem Statement
Enhance IHE HPD with a “wrapper” around the DSML payload. Allow Provider Information Consumers (requestors) to indicate to a Provider Information Directory that a request needs to be federated to other known directories. Allow Provider Information Consumers (requestors) to receive responses that clearly identify the Provider Information Directory that produced the result and/or errors. Allow Provider Information Consumers (requestors) to specifically target a Provider Information Directory for subsequent queries based on initial query results. Proposed Approach
Allow for clear distinctions of errors that occur due to web service failures versus errors that occur due to data related issues at the Provider Information Directory. This improves the error handling and also debugging and implementation of the specification in the real world. Provider Information Consumers will be able to detect partial versus complete responses based on the improved error handling and packaging of federated requests and responses. Provider Information Consumers will be able to identify the authority of the source so that they can log the information for HIPAA and other compliance issues. Proposed Approach – Cont’d
Cons HPD/DSML is not ideal Limited support from OASIS Known problems Not extensible Pros Better to adopt HPD with ModSpec updates NOW then to seek perfection Does not prevent better solutions in the future Rationale
Piloting (started early 2013) Achieve consensus by Dec 15 th Test at Jan 2014 IHE NA Connectathon under the New Directions track Pilot new ModSpec approach in early 2014 Project Timeline
Potential alternatives Feedback requested Q&A Open Discussion
Deliverables Test cases ModSpec proper RTM Test implementation Conformance test tool Next Steps Call for participation Vendors, general feedback, Connectathon Deliverables/Next Steps/Call for Participation
ONC MSPD project created a solution and vetted with community members in the US to address federation and error handling ONC Solution is available to jump start activities References