Humans & The Environment
Environmental Science Interdisciplinary science that uses concepts and information from natural sciences and social sciences to help us understand: How the earth works How we are affecting the environment How to deal with the environmental problems that we face
Environmental Attitude Survey
5 = Strongly Agree 2 = Slightly disagree 4 = Slightly agree 1 = Strongly disagree 3 = Do not know enough to have an opinion 1. Material possessions and money are essential aspects of my idea of “the good life” (i.e., a satisfying life) 2. All 7 billion humans on the planet deserve to lead a satisfying life 3. The earth is able to support current increasing trends in population and resource use 4. We have a responsibility to leave Earth for future generations of humans and other species in as good a shape as we found it, if not better 5. The environment and the health of the planet is important to me 6. The USA is more overpopulated than China 7. A large part of my self-esteem comes from the stuff I have/wear/consume & the way it makes me feel about myself
8. Citizens of rich nations (US, Japan) consume too many resources and generate too much hazardous waste 9. I consume more than the typical citizen on planet earth 10. I am generally aware of where the products I consume come from and how they impact on the health of the planet 11. Our current lifestyle in the USA is sustainable (i.e., it can be maintained indefinitely generation after generation) 12. Poverty contributes to environmental deterioration 13. If the earth becomes unable to support humans, technology and human creativity can, and will find solutions 14. The more we produce and consume, the better off we are 15. Everyone deserves fair access to education, health care, shelter, and nutritious food
16. Human beings are separate from nature (i.e., NOT connected to it) 17. Everyone on earth has the right to have children no matter how hard a population of 7 billion and growing may strain the resources of the planet 19. We are the planet’s most important species and our success depends upon managing nature to our benefit 20. After I throw something “away”, it no longer effects or concern me 21. The other 1.4 million species on the planet are only important if they have some useful product or resource that humans can exploit 22. Global warming isn’t my fault and is of little concern to me 23. I am a caring person
Major Environmental Issues Pollution Global climate change Increasing resource use Premature extinction of plants and animals Poverty Population growth Worldometers
Population Growth
Developed Countries 19% of world’s population 85% of worlds wealth Use 88% of worlds resources Generate 75% of pollution and waste
Developing Countries 15% of world’s population Use 12% of world’s natural resources Produce 25% of world’s waste and pollution
Ecological Footprint calculator
Ways to reduce our environmental impact: Slow population growth Decrease resource use and waste Increase use of environmentally beneficial technologies Phase out environmentally harmful technologies