1 June 8, 2008 Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – The European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region Drs. Erik Regter
2Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region June 8, 2008 Who are we? largest listed company in Austria 116 power plants (8,300 MW, 25 TWh) Trading volume 60 TWh, active in 10 countries 86 % of generation is hydro power FINANCIAL KEY FACTS Sales revenuemil.€1,7122,1342,8783,038 EBITmil.€ Total Profitmil.€ Operating CFmil.€ Investing CFmil.€ EBIT Margin% ROIC% SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE <24 %Free float >25 %Provincial power utilities 51 %Republic of Austria Verbund Highlights
3Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region June 8, 2008 What do we want? Focus on clean energy hydro and renewables gas as transitional technology Asset based trader/retailer Partnership with local players preferred Present in large growth markets, committed to generation assets in SEE Trading subsidiaries 30,0 % 38,2 % 49,9 %
4Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region June 8, 2008 What is the issue? Forecast Power Demand CAGR ( ) SEE-Markets show significantly higher electricity demand growth than W-Europe Albania among the countries with the highest growth potential Production shortages are seen in the region consequently increasing price levels and reducing security of supply SEE lack of generation capacity to meet increasing demand 0.6 TWh 1.2 TWh 6.0 TWh Electricity Balance Albania % 5.4 TWh
5Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region June 8, 2008 Verbund committed to utilize untapped hydro-potential 2/3 of hydro potential currently unused 36 % 64 % Project Ashta Run-of-River Hydro Power Plant 40 – 70 MW on Drin river Ashta HPP
6Vienna Economic Forum Tirana – European Priorities in the Energy Sector for the Development of the Region June 8, 2008 Thank you for your attention!