The EHRC Measurement Frameworks Anna Henry – EHRC Head of Social Analysis Equality and Human Rights Commission
Why a Measurement Framework? EHRC duties in the Equality Act 2006 Flags gaps in outcomes, differences in processes (including discrimination) or differences in autonomy for individuals and groups Guides decisions on research, policy and influencing objectives Helps mainstream equalities, human rights & good relations
An Example: Education Equality Measurement Framework Indicators Level of development at age 5 Permanent exclusion from school Bullying, respect and support at school Educational attainment at age 16 Participation in higher education Literacy/numeracy levels in adult population Adult participation in learning & use of the internet
Human Rights Measurement Framework Indicators: Legal and constitutional framework Legal precedents (key cases etc) Regulatory and public policy framework Outcomes of key judicial, regulatory and investigative processes Access to education for prisoners, detainees, looked after children Public perceptions of the right to education
Progress to Date: Equality Measurement Framework – 2009 Good Relations Measurement Framework – 2010 Children’s Measurement Framework – forthcoming in 2011 Human Rights Measurement Framework - forthcoming in 2011
Common Methodology for all Frameworks Define conceptual domains Preparation of initial long list of indicators Specialist consultation and identification of survey sources Agreement of shortlist
Conceptual Approach
Practical application: ‘How Fair is Britain?’ 2010 Human Rights Review 2011
Challenges Gaps in official data sources Gaps for vulnerable groups Equality data not consistent Geographical coverage is inconsistent Ongoing capacity and commitment to data collection.