Voting Requirements in the Early 19c
1828 Election Results
Rachel Jackson Final Divorce Decree
Jackson’s Inauguration Party
The “Peggy Eaton Affair”
The Webster-Hayne Debate Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC]
Indian Removal
Trail of Tears ( )
The National Bank Debate Nicholas Biddle Nicholas Biddle [an arrogant aristocrat from Philadelphia] President Jackson
Opposition to the 2 nd B.U.S. “Soft” (paper) $ “Hard” (specie) $ 3s3s3s3state bankers felt it restrained their banks from issuing bank notes freely. 3s3s3s3supported rapid economic growth & speculation. 3f3f3f3felt that coin was the only safe currency 3d3d3d3didn’t like any bank that issued bank notes 3s3s3s3suspicious of expansion & speculation
1832 Election Results
An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew” An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew”
Positions on the Key Issues of 1832 WHIGSWHIGS DEMOCRATSDEMOCRATS Less concerned about the widening gap between rich and poor. Less concerned about the widening gap between rich and poor. Opposed “liberal capitalism” because they believed it would lead to economic chaos. Opposed “liberal capitalism” because they believed it would lead to economic chaos. Strong national govt. to coordinate the expanding economy was critical. Strong national govt. to coordinate the expanding economy was critical. Felt the widening gap between rich and poor was alarming. Felt the widening gap between rich and poor was alarming. Believed that bankers, merchants, and speculators were “non- producers” who used their govt. connections to line their own pockets. Believed that bankers, merchants, and speculators were “non- producers” who used their govt. connections to line their own pockets. Govt. should have a hands-off approach to the economy to allow the little guy a chance to prosper. Govt. should have a hands-off approach to the economy to allow the little guy a chance to prosper.
The 1836 Election Results Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook” [O. K.]
The Panic of 1837