European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) AHSN ESIF/ LEP knowledge sharing webinar 15 July 2015
ESIF and the NHS – Matching Health with Growth Since last time Agreement reached on ERDF Operational Framework regional-development-fund-operational-programme-2014-to regional-development-fund-operational-programme-2014-to Smart Specialisation Strategy for England hment_data/file/436242/bis smart-specialisation-in- england-submission-to-european-commission.pdf hment_data/file/436242/bis smart-specialisation-in- england-submission-to-european-commission.pdf New guidance on State Aid
ESIF and the NHS – Matching Health with Growth LinkedIn Group – NHS and Local Growth Open to all NHS colleagues interested in local growth and selected others who can bring additional benefits to the sector Member-only group Purpose is to: - inform people about the local growth agenda - understand the role of LEPs and how to influence them - discuss the processes for accessing ESIF and other related funds - share examples of good practice and successfully funded projects - consider the role of local growth in the Combined Authorities/Devolution agenda -Please join!
Panel discussions Tim Courtney, Deputy Director, European Reform Directorate, BIS Future ideas for webinars Send to