Rocketry 1 Pick rocketry teams (3) Describe basic rocket & terminology Describe engine & thrust-time curve Derive rocket equation (free-body diagram)
Rocketry 1 Pick rocketry teams (3) Describe basic rocket & terminology View “Rockets 101” video Describe class rockets Describe engine & thrust-time curve Derive rocket equation (free-body diagram)
Rocketry 1 Pick rocketry teams (3) Describe basic rocket & terminology Describe engine & thrust-time curve Derive rocket equation (free-body diagram)
Rocketry 1 Engine Example: A8-3 A =1.25 – 2.50 Ns Impulse 8 = average thrust (N) 3 = coast time (sec)
Rocketry 1 Pick rocketry teams (3) Describe basic rocket & terminology Describe engine & thrust-time curve Derive rocket equation (free-body diagram) Draw free-body diagrams during burn, coast & recovery phases (Split into sub-groups. Each team will present one diagram.) Use diagram to find net force on rocket, and then write equation of motion for rocket.
Rocketry 1 Pick rocketry teams (3) Describe basic rocket & terminology Describe engine & thrust-time curve Derive rocket equation (free-body diagram)
Rocketry 1: Strategy Program spreadsheet to “solve” equation of motion. Use spreadsheet to estimate drag coefficient from first flight with one type of engine. Prior to first flight, verify that rocket conforms to acceptable safe design principles. Use spreadsheet and estimate of C D to predict height of second flight with another engine.