Surgical Oncology Feb 4 th - Feb 10 th Tania Arora Sihong Suy Brock Lanier Krista Terracina Osama Soliman
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 2/6Bear/Lanier/ Terracina Left breast massTotal mastectomy with SLNB 2/6Bear/LanierLeft breast massSegmental mastectomy 2/6Kaplan/LanierAccess for chemotherapyPort-a-cath placement 2/6Kaplan/LanierLeft chest wall lesionWide local excision of… 2/6Kaplan/Arora/ SuyPancreatic cancerLaparoscopy, ex lap with biopsy of hepatic, mesentaric lymph nodes 2/8Bear/SolimanCompletion of chemotherapyPort-a-cath removal 2/8Kaplan/TerracinaAccess for chemotherapyPort-a-cath placement 2/8Kaplan/Suy/ LanierRectal adenocarcinomaAbdominoperineal resection 2/8Neifeld/AroraRight carotid body tumorExcision of… 2/8Neifeld/AroraCholedochal cystExcision of cyst, cholecystectomy, hepaticojejunostomy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 2/9Grover/SolimanLeft neck soft tissue massExcision of… 2/9Grover/LanierRight thyroid massTotal thyroidectomy 2/10Grover/SuyRight thyroid massHemithyroidectomy 2/10Grover/SuyRight adrenal massRobot assisted adrenalectomy 2/10Grover/Lanier/ Arora Right parathyroid massParathyroidectomy 2/10Neifeld/Arora / Lanier GistWedge gastric resection OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure 1/25Grover/MargaronError in diagnosis/ hypocalcemia Total thyroidectomy, removal of parathyroid tissue 2/1Kaplan/Arora/ Ojo DT/Jejunal tubefeed leakWhipple with feeding jejunostomy tube Death and Complications