1 Welcome to the Mandarin Classroom 歡迎 / 欢迎 中文教室 Ms. Hai-Ming Wu
2 SAXE Middle School Student Learning Expectations
3 Whole School Student Learning School-Wide Focus: Student Growth will occur, over time, in Higher Order Thinking/Complex Problem Solving as measured by the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix of Webb’s Depths of Knowledge/Bloom’s Taxonomy and/or other models of the continuum of higher order thinking and student understanding. Students will be able to perform higher order thinking in order to solve complex problems or create a product anew, as shown by evidence of student work samples evidence from lesson observations evidence from classroom walk-throughs’ evidence from NCPS Perf-based Assessments evidence from standardized assessments
4 Mandarin Chinese Program at Saxe Middle School Mandarin Curricula: G6: foundation, oral proficiency, self, family, school G7: countries, languages, jobs, transportation, daily routines G8: clothing, weather, hobbies
5 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Link (to read details of ACTFL proficiency guidelines)Link
6 Four Language Skills Listen Speak Write Read Developing Four Communicative Skills at the same time
7 Thank you. Contact me :