Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED COMMANDER Jimmy Martin ADJUTANT Michael Munoz ST VICE COMMANDER Michael Munoz ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Bill Eastman FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jake Taffaro CHAPLAIN Delbert Murray Cell SERVICE OFFICER vacant ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn SAL COMMANDER Jimmy Martin HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist Al Rogers Ron Woolsey Michael Holdener John Wyers LOUNGE MANAGER John Mille FOR GOD AND COUNTRY SEPTEMBER 2011 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice Commander’s Corner Don’t forget on Sunday September 11 at 1200 am we will be having a 9-11 and POW/MIA Ceremony in the Main Hall. Please come out and support our ceremony. I want to welcome Kim Edens as our new Ladies Auxiliary Unit 240 President. The Auxiliary Officers and Kim have some new and old exciting ideas about the Auxiliary and I hope you will come back to the meetings and see what they are doing for the American Legion and Post 240. I want to take time to thank our Chaplain, Del Murray for his help with the VA Donuts on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 0800 am, He goes to the Veterans Clinic and supports the Veterans with donuts, juice and coffee. Anyone who would like to help him can contact him or myself. Thanks Del. Your 3rd Vice, Bill Eastman, has volunteered to coordinate the Oktoberfest on Oct. 8 at the Post. Please call him to give him your assistance. There will be an Oktoberfest meeting at the Post at 6:00PM on Tuesday Sept. 6. Come Volunteer to help. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Kim Edens CHAPLAIN Linda Mackin SAL - SAL Membership is at 23.91%. Please come and renew your SAL Membership for See me or Mike Munoz to renew. Jimmy Lee Martin American Legion Riders The poker run for September 3rd is coming up fast. Registration starts at 0900, so come on out and support the riders and their charity. The next Bike Night will be on September 15th at We are planning on Burgers/Sausage Dogs along with a Safety display by Jay Harrison. The next rider meeting will be on the 11th of September at That is also Patriot Day. Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Post. For God and Country Rich Raburn Director Auxiliary - Hello! I am Kim Edens. As the new auxiliary president I would like to thank you all for putting your trust in me. I realize that I am not as experienced as most of you, but I( with your assistance) look forward to the challenge and fun of organizing the unit’s activities and making sure we all enjoy working together on various functions. I challenge all members to come out and see how we can make the unit exciting and rewarding for all. I would like to thank everyone who came out for lounge bingo. I also would like to give a special Thank you to Phil Gist and Jimmy Lee Martin for calling, also to Anita Sullivan and Peggy Altilio for collecting the money. I would like to also thank Via Eyerly and Becky Krahn for taking over bingo so please come out and continue showing support for the auxiliary. We would not be successful without volunteers. The unit would like to welcome our seven new members Joan Puterbaugh, Susan Tapparo, Nancy Evans, Sue Ehlers, Jana Burns and Jacqueline Burns. Please lets all make them feel welcome. SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTIONS will be in Destin on Sept 10 th, 9 am registration. If anyone would like to carpool please let me know. All members are welcome. We have a few committees that need volunteers. So please come to the meetings which are the 2 nd Tuesday of every month. You can make a difference by volunteering. Kim Edens President 1 st Vice Cdr - I would like to thank everyone who attended Membership Appreciation Day. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Most of all I would like to thank those who brought dishes for everyone to enjoy. At the time that I am writing this article I do not have a list of names but if everything holds true I know and you know who you are and I deeply appreciate it and love you all. Membership if off and running. The Post is currently at 38%. Our first goal is 50% the beginning of Sept. Now that I fully understand how renewing on-line works I encourage anyone who is going to use their credit card to do it on line at “”. You will receive your card faster than if you would if you send you credit card information to me, almost by a month and a half. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. We will be having our “Early Bird Dinner” on the 23 rd of Oct – Please look for more details in next months bulletin. Thank you for your support and for supporting our Post. Please renew your memberships. For God and Country Mouse. BINGO Bingo gave $1000 to the Post at the 9 Aug General Membership meeting. If you would like to volunteer please contact Jimmy Lee Martin