M AKING THE J UMP To Online Learning AEA 9 Sup’t Mtg
What is Online Learning? Key Question #1
Where teaching and instruction takes place over the internet, that is outside of the walls or the set hours of the traditional classroom. It is different than digital learning, or “e-learning”, where the internet is used as a resource or a place for learning, but with a face-to-face teacher presence in the traditional classroom. Online learning…
Can be blended with face-to-face learning for the “best of both worlds”. This can include flipped classrooms, credit recovery, fast-paced courses, and personalized learning plans. It is, in many ways, a radical change to the traditional classroom. Online learning…
Consider this… “Traditional schools make time the constant and learning the variable. This is exactly backwards of how it needs to be. New models of education should make learning the constant, and time the variable.” The Prisoner of Time
Why Online Learning for my District? Key Question #2
50% Of 9-12 instruction will be online by 2019.”
What do the AEAs offer us? Key Question #3
Four Services 1. High-quality free online content 2. Professional development for online teaching 3. Infrastructure and technology support 4. Vision and leadership consultation
Free eCurriculum Algebra 1 English 1 Social Studies Modules Physical Science General Biology Chemistry Physics Earth Science Modules Reading for College Success Math- Preferential Voting Module American History* (TBD) Chinese- Mandarin* (TBD) Student Orientation to Blended Online Learning
Credit Recovery Algebra 1 English 1 American History Algebra II English II American Government Geometry
Intro to the Online Learner Technology for Online Instruction Instructional Design Facilitation Assessment, Feedback & Evaluation NEW! Teaching in a Blended Classroom
Community of Practice
Where Do I Get Started? Key Question #4
Nancy Movall K12 Online Learning Specialist Evan Abbey Project Manager for Online Learning