Food & Nutriton Unit 7—Food Service & Etiquette
Terms Stemware Table Appointments Table Linens Cover A La Carte Gratuity Hollowware Au Jus Dutch Treat Formal Service Etiquette Dinnerware Family Service Appetizer English Service Buffet Service Reservation Beverageware Entrée Open Stock A La Mode Blue Plate Service Compromise Service
1. Food offered with a separate price for each food item on the menu— French Fries----$1.00
1. A La Carte
2. Topped with ice cream--
2. A La Mode
3. Light food or beverage that begins a meal & is designed to stimulate the appetite--
3. Appetizer
4. Serving food with the pan drippings from which the fat has been skimmed--
4. Au Jus
5. Glasses of many shapes & sizes used for a variety of purposes--
5. Beverageware
6. A type of meal service in which the plates are filled in the kitchen, carried to the dining room & served--
6. Blue Plate Service
7. Style of meal service in which a large table or buffet holds a variety of food items, the serving dishes & utensils, dinnerware, flatware & napkins --& from which guests serve themselves--
7. Buffet Service
8. Combination of English & formal service: The main course of the meal is served at the table by the host & the remainder of the meal is served in individual portions from the kitchen--
8. Compromise Service
9. The arrangement of tableware that each diner will need for a meal—also called a place setting--
9. Cover
10. Plates, cups, saucers & bowls
10. Dinnerware
11. An arrangement of paying in which each person pays his own way--
11. Dutch Treat
12. Style of meal service in which the plates are served by the host and/or hostess & passed around the table until each guest has been served--
12. English Service
13. The main course of the meal--
13. Entree
14. Manners established by society--
14. Etiquette
15. Service style that allows diners to join others in a setting where large dishes of food are placed on a table for self-service-
15. Family Service
16. When you are served with porcelain or fine china--
16. Formal Service
17. Money charged or left as a tip for service--
17. Gratuity---Should be 15% of ticket
18. Tableware, such as bowls, tureens, & pitchers—used to serve food & liquids--
18. Hollowware
19. Tableware that can be purchased as individual pieces--
19. Open Stock
20. An arrangement with a restaurant to hold a table, or with a hotel to hold a room, for a guest on a given date at a given time--
20. Reservation
21. Glassware with 3 distinct parts: A bowl A stem A base
21. Stemware
22. All the items needed at the table to serve & eat a meal--
22. Table Appointments
23. Tablecloths, placemats & napkins--
23. Table Linens
7.2 Describe table appointments— (All the items needed at the table to serve & eat a meal) A. Dinnerware—Plates, cups, saucers, bowls Materials: China –most expensive Stoneware Earthenware Pottery Glass Plastic
Table Appointments China Dinnerware *Stoneware
Table Appointments- B. Flatware—Knives, forks, spoons & serving utensils Materials: Sterling Silver—92.5% silver Silver Plate—coating metal with silver Stainless Steel—no stains Steel Nickel Chromium
Table Appointments Flatware--Silver *Stainless Steel
Table Appointments- C. Beverage-ware Glasses: Tumblers—no stems Stemware—bowl, stem & foot Materials—lead glass—most expensive lime glass—most brittle plastic--casual
Beverage Ware Tumblers *Lead Glass
Table Appointments- D. Hollowware—bowls, tureens, pitchers, pots Materials: Metal Glass Wood Ceramic
Table Appointments- E. Linens—Table coverings, napkins, placemats Materials: Linen Lace Plastic Paper
Table Appointments- F. Centerpieces—Add interest & decoration—should be able to see over it Materials: Candles Flowers Ceramics (difficult to store—easy to chip
Centerpieces—not to high! Candles
Ceramic Centerpiece Could fit the theme of the dinner party-
7.2.1 Compare & contrast traditional table settings to contemporary table settings--
7.3 Explain principles of table settings— All pieces used by one person Dinner plate—one inch from table edge Salad plate—center of dinner plate Bread plate—top left of dinner plate Cup & saucer—right of spoon—even with plate edge Dinner fork—left of dinner plate Salad fork—left of dinner fork Napkin—left of salad fork Knife edge—right of dinner plate Spoon—right of knife Beverage glass—top right of dinner plate
The Table Setting Can you draw & label it?
7.3.1 Demonstrate table settings for a variety of menus—Draw & label
7.4 Discuss types of meal service— 1. Family Style—most common type Food is brought to table in bowls or platters which are passed to the right from person to person 2. Plate Service—used when table space is limited Food is placed on plates in the kitchen & brought to the table 3. Buffet Service—used when not enough seating for everyone at the table—guests help themselves All plates, flatware, napkins, beverages, food are arranged on a serving table
7.4.1 Demonstrate table settings for different types of meal service--
7.4.2 Discuss factors to consider in planning & serving food for special occasions--
7.5 Describe proper manners for serving, eating & clearing meals—Thoughtfulness toward others is the basis for good manners They allow everyone to have a comfortable, enjoyable social experience *Etiquette—accepted rules of behavior in a culture
Manners- 1. Always wash hands & be well groomed 2. Cover mouth before coughing or sneezing 3. If you need to leave the table—excuse yourself 4. Watch host or hostess if unsure which flatware to use 5. Use serving utensils to serve yourself 6. Ask for food to be passed you—never reach 7. Start with outermost flatware first 8. Wait for host to begin eating 9. Chew & swallow food before talking 10. Sit up straight—no elbows on the table
Manners 11. keep napkin on your lap 12. Cut several pieces of food at a time—keep knife edge on plate 13. Break bread into pieces before eating 14. Place used flatware across plate when finished 15. Keep conversation pleasant at the table 16. keep one hand on lap while eating 17. If you cannot eat something—leave it on your plate without comment 18. Place spoon used for coffee or tea on saucer 19. Place used salad fork on salad plate 20. Thank your host & hostess before leaving
7.5.1 Demonstrate proper table manners in public & private settings--
7.6 Name guidelines for ordering, tipping & paying in a restaurant— Gratuity means tipping Pay for service received 15% added to price of meal is usual
7.6.1 Compute various types of gratuity--