IN-VITRO Skin sensitization test
Haptenation Resorption Irritation index Sensitization index Keratinocytes NCTC2544
Activation / Migration 1 2 Fixing Detection 3 Cytokine production Activation / Migration Presentation Xenobiotic Endogenous protein Keratinocyte Dendritic cell (Langerhans cell) T Lymphocyte Interleukin 18 Resorption Haptenation Sensitization index Irritation index 1 2 3 4
Inflammation/ Cell damage Activation / Migration 1 2 Fixing Detection 4 Inflammation/ Cell damage 3 Cytokine production Activation / Migration Presentation Xenobiotic Endogenous protein Keratinocyte Dendritic cell (Langerhans cell) T Lymphocyte Interleukin 18 Resorption Haptenation Sensitization index Irritation index 1 2 3 4
Inflammation/ Cell damage Activation / Migration 1 2 Fixing Detection 4 Inflammation/ Cell damage 3 Cytokine production Activation / Migration Presentation Xenobiotic Endogenous protein Keratinocyte Dendritic cell (Langerhans cell) T Lymphocyte Interleukin 18 Resorption Haptenation Sensitization index Irritation index 1 2 3 4
Haptenation Resorption Irritation index Sensitization index Keratinocytes NCTC2544
Resorption: During flux Test molecule
Resorption: During flux The resorption kinetics was determined by measuring the appearance of the molecules in the donor compartment
Haptenation Resorption Irritation index Sensitization index Keratinocytes NCTC2544
Filtrate was quantified Haptenation: Filtrate was quantified Centrifuge for 2H at 10.000g Centrifuge for 2H at 10.000g Addition of urea powder Incubated 1H at 20°C Incubated 4H at 20°C Solution of the test molecule was mixed with Human serum albumin Test molecule Endogenous protein
Resorption Haptenation Irritation index
Antibodies are deposited in well Sensitization: Rinsing Antibodies are deposited in well
Sensitization: Antigens are added
An enzyme-linked antibodies that can react with the antigen is added Sensitization: An enzyme-linked antibodies that can react with the antigen is added
The colorless substrate for the enzyme is then added Sensitization: The colorless substrate for the enzyme is then added
Sensitization: This coloration was measured by spectrophotometer Development of color indicates the presence of the antigen
Haptenation Resorption Irritation index Sensitization index Keratinocytes NCTC2544
Irritation: Incubate 3H Read with micro plate Reader after incubation Add to the cell culture the xenobiotic Remove medium and add MTT solution Culture cells in micro plate Read with micro plate Reader after incubation Remove MTT and add isopropanol Incubate 3H
Haptenation Resorption Irritation index Sensitization index Keratinocytes NCTC2544