CHF Iringa Launched in June 1999 at Bomalang’ombe village in Kilolo district. Current members 6,268 (21,262) Number of ‘poor’ erolled 0 Premium 5,000 Tshs. for CHF members and 1,000 Tshs. for Non-CHF members. Trend of enrollment declining. All (46) Government health facilities provide services to CHF members.
CHF Iringa - Membership
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS Comments: What INNOVATIVE Strategies does Iringa employ here? What special in their approach that shows successes? Later on slide 7 it says that some of the approaches do NOT work - it would be good to also highlight what DOES work well! Taken out previous slide as irrelevant in this context Sensitization to regional, district leaders (HODs) and councilors. Transfer of power and authority to the communities by establishing Council Health Service Board and Health Facility Committees. Have a functional CHMT Training of CHSB and CHMT-TOT (MoHSW) Training of Ward Health Committees members, Health Facility Committees members on their roles and functions.
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS CONT. Comments: What is done to mobilize funds from other sources than the Community and from the Matching Grant? E.g. what additional sources does the District contribute/ raise for CHF - does it raise funds for the poor? Are other organisations/ NGOs/ FBOs encouraged to raise some funds eg. For the poor? Sensitization meetings to WDC, VDC, Health providers and communities Using health providers to sensitize the communities to join CHF. Using politicians to sensitize the communities during public meetings Using health providers as collectors for CHF who also initiates the utilization of the funds. Ensure CHF account is audited yearly.
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS CONT. Giving feedback to the community about the amount collected and its utilization (Financial reports are displayed at the notice board) Distribution of IEC materials to the communities National campaign on cost sharing through radio and TV Liaise with MoHSW to get Matching funds (Tshs.106,345,000). Ensure NHIF are claims are made by health providers and deposited in their accounts (? Or the cost sharing account?).
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS - Challenges Irregular sensitization due to lack of funds. Lack of IEC materials. Negative Political Influence during election. Exemption mechanism. Poverty among community members. Severe shortage of staff. Low premium-(small health package). Irregular meetings of Ward Health Committees and Health Facility Committees due lack of funds.
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS - Way Forward Improve ward health plans and Incorporate (what?) in the CCHP Use local media to sensitize the communities on CHF Design and prepare and distribute IEC materials. Review user fee (system?) Strengthen links between communities and health workers. Comments: what concrete plans are there to mobilize additional financial resources for CHF through e.g. the Council itself or external orgs/ funding for the poor?
STRATEGIES AND MODALITIES TO MOBILIZE CHF FUNDS - Conclusion CHF is a potential means of ensuring greater security of access to health care, empowering households and community in health decisions, promoting cost sharing with strong local participation and providing a stimulus to local health care providers. Conclusion relevant to the Topic? Maybe something like : “For the successful running of CHF it is necessary to mobilize funds not only from the Community through CHF contributions and user fees, but also through additional sources available at the District level……………..”