Intentionally Targeting Student Learning Outcomes through Course Assessment and Design Patty Roberts, Ph.D. Patricia Noteboom, Ph.D NASPA INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT & RETENTION CONFERENCE
Presentation Overview Terminology Course Overview Purposes for Assessment Assessing the Course: Mixed-Methods Approach Assessing the Course: Specific Methods Assessment-Based Answers & Materials Brainstorming Activity Group Discussion Q & A’s (Time permitting)
Terminology Definition of Assessment: “Assessment is any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, divisional, or agency effectiveness.” - Upcraft and Schuh, 1996
Terminology Assessment vs. Evaluation: “...assessment describes effectiveness; evaluation uses these descriptions in order to improve effectiveness...” - Schuh and Upcraft, 2001
Career Planning Course Overview One-credit elective Standardized Theoretically based Intended for first and second-year undeclared students Up to 17 sections offered per year Class cap = 20 Intentionally targeted student learning and development
Course Objectives To obtain information and develop the abilities necessary for selecting an academic major and choosing a career path To develop an awareness and understanding of career theories To gain knowledge concerning current occupational information and employment trends To provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and opinions regarding academic major and career exploration To enhance students’ abilities to make effective, satisfying academic major and career decisions - HESA 173 course syllabus
Purposes for Assessing the UNC Career Planning Course To find out if the course was effective for student learning and development To determine if curriculum revisions were necessary To provide information/evidence for the continuation or discontinuation of the course To guide strategic planning To contribute to systematic evaluation of Career Services
Assessing the Course Mixed-methods approach: Formative and summative Quantitative and qualitative Intergenerational
Specific methods: Pre-post tests (Quantitative and Summative) UNC Course/Instructor Surveys (Quantitative and Summative) Student reflection papers (Qualitative and Formative) Final essay exams (Qualitative and Summative) Instructor feedback sessions (Qualitative, Formative, and Summative) Assessing the Course
Specific methods (cont’d): Focus groups (Qualitative and Summative) Interviews (Qualitative, Formative, and Summative) Classroom observations (Qualitative) Document analysis (e.g., course workbook) (Qualitative, Formative, and Summative)
Examples of Assessment-Based Answers and have graduate assistants teach? Not the best answer! Better answer! See Appendix A for an example of related assessment materials (Course/Instructor Survey Results)
Examples of Assessment-Based Answers and make annual curriculum changes? Not the best answer! Better answer! See Appendix B for an example of related assessment materials (Matrix of CAS Student Learning & Development Outcomes)
Examples of Assessment-Based Answers and based the number of sections offered on demand? Not the best answer! Better answer! See Appendix C for an example of related assessment materials (Enrollment/Student Participation Results)
Examples of Assessment-Based Answers and say that your course is valuable? Not the best answer! Better answer! See Appendix D for an example of related assessment materials (Dissertation Findings: White Paper Report)
Brainstorming Activity Breakout Groups Worksheets Discussion Action Planning
Q & A’s Elaboration Unfinished business Contact information Patty Roberts, Ph.D. – Patricia Noteboom, Ph.D. –