Cultures Clash on the Prairie What issues occur when different groups try to claim land in the west?
4. HOMESTEADERS Hundreds of thousands who settled on the plains, claiming land grants from the U.S. gov’t. Groups on the Frontier 1. NATIVE AMERICANS Hunted, farmed, & traded in traditional ways. Relied on the buffalo for a variety of survival needs. 2. RANCHERS AND COWHANDS Cattle take the place of buffalo as the dominant animal on the Great Plains. 5. FARMERS & THE POPULIST MOVEMENT Farmers end the open range; organized politically to address their common economic problems. 3. MINERS Gold & other metals = growth of mining camps and boomtowns in Rocky Mtns. & the West.
Settlers Push West Americans began settling the west looking for a new life (land, gold) American settlers and Native Am. Clash over land ownership Massacre at Sand Creek Most Native tribes don’t follow rules of treaties with US Govt US Army Gen. Curtis tells local militias “Indians must suffer” – 150 killed Bozeman Trail Crazy Horse ambushes US soldiers, killing 80 on Bozeman trail To stop violence, Sioux & US gov sign Treaty of Ft. Laramie
Custer’s Last Stand Col. George Custer spreads rumor there is gold in Black Hills, causes more people to come to Sioux territory (against Ft. Laramie treaty) Sioux chief Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse attack Custer’s men (Battle of Little Big Horn) Custer & his men are outnumbered all are killed Loss of land & destruction of buffalo makes Nat. Am’s life very poor on the Plains 1887: Congress passes Dawes Act breaking up large reservations Battle of Wounded Knee 1890: Soldiers round up 350 Sioux demand they give up weapons Soldiers open fire and kill 300 unarmed Sioux Native Ams Suffer
Battle of Little Big Horn: Custer’s Last Stand Video &feature=relatedhttp:// &feature=related 1.Explain if other US soldiers help Custer? 2.Who led the Native American attack on Custer’s men? 3. What did Sitting Bull tell his men? Did they listen? 4. How did the US Govt react to what happened to Custer’s men?