PBIS: An Introduction Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
What is PBIS? School Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) refers to a systems change process for an entire school or district. The underlying theme is teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject The school will focus on three to five behavioral expectations that are positively stated and easy to remember. In other words, rather than telling students what not to do, the school will focus on the preferred behaviors. Here are some examples from other schools: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect Property Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful Respect Relationships and Respect Responsibilities The team will then create a matrix (table) of what the behavioral expectations look like, sound like, and feel like in all the classroom and non- classroom areas. Consistency from class to class and adult to adult is very important for successful implementation of SWPBS.
Elements of PBIS PBIS is a 3 – 5 year process. Over 2,000 schools across the country -have implemented PBIS. 50% or more schools reduce their office referrals by 50% the first year. This is a data driven program. PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.
Aspects of PBIS It is a SCHOOL-WIDE design for discipline. It is a SCHOOL-WIDE design for discipline. It is team-based systematic planning. It is for (and by) ALL students, ALL staff, and in ALL settings. It is a program that can be upgraded as we go along. Each month we will analyze the discipline data. We will survey the staff, students, and parents for upgrades.
What is different about PBIS? OOOOrganized system of Positive Behavior management in all settings OOOOrganized system of disciplinary actions CCCClear school wide expectations with incentives and consequences AAAActual teaching of Positive Behavior Expectations BBBBehavioral recognition system for kids doing the right thing
Consider it in this way PBIS is a Tiered Intervention system for behavior. We already have tiered ACADEMIC interventions (left side of the pyramid). What we will be developing/clarifying is the behavior interventions (right side of the pyramid). So, our work is clarifying our behavior expectations and the interventions necessary when those expectations are not met. The behavior matrix is a tier 1.
Implementation Process At all school levels, this implementation framework includes a representative school leadership team that works with the staff, students and administrators to: 1. identify and monitor school wide outcomes; 2. develop systems to support implementation and sustainability; 3. implement evidence based practices to increase a positive social climate and learning environment; and 4. develop data management systems to monitor progress and make effective data based decisions based on the school context.
PBIS Depends on CONSISTENCY in Expectations Training Involvement Interpretation Implementation Accountability Administrators Teachers Students Families School staff Support groups BY
Camelback PBIS Site Team Kathryn Wagner Quintin Boyce Keith Brazier Patty Berzoza Jonathan Gomez Patrick Bass Marisol Lendo Katie Larkin 1-2 student reps.
Want more information? PBIS Website: Example Behavior Matrices from other schools Example Behavior Matrices from other schools PBIS Video (short!) PBIS Video (short!) More Articles and info on Ms. Larkin’s website via the Camelback homepage (under the staff menu)