CIC: January TOT for Mentor and BT Forums “ It’s all about student achievement.” Vanessa Nieto-Gomez Jean Duffey
Agenda Agenda, Outcomes, Norms Connecting Activity Forum Structure Training CICs to Present: - BT Forum #3 - Mentor Forum #3 Reminders and Updates Closing
Outcomes CICs will be trained to present Mentor Forum #3. CICs will be trained to present BT Forum #3. CICs will be informed of program updates (mentor training, online courses, BT verification, communications push-outs).
Norms Active Listening Appropriate use of electronics Equity of voice Respect for all perspectives Confidentiality
Sharing Your Experiences Think of a break-through moment you had with a student/teacher or an academic success your students experienced since our last forum. Share with your partner or small group and be prepared to share with the whole group.
Parking Lot Anytime during the training, you are invited to write a concern, question, or comment on a post-it and place it in the designated area.
Forum Structure Connecting – Includes: - Outcomes, Norms, Agenda, and Parking Lot - Introductions, and Icebreakers, Preparing for the Learning Learning – Includes: - Reviewing Previous Learning - New Learning Managing – Includes: - Old and New Business - Announcements/Updates Closing – Includes: - Reflecting on learning - Training Evaluation
Managing (CIC) Forum Structure Part C
CIC Binder Remember to: Include agenda and sign-in sheets for all meetings and forums Maintain records and documents on worksheets presented during summer training (available on website under documents) Keep records of s sent to mentors as evidence in case a mentor denies being informed of something.
CIC Stipend Payment Stipend will be paid in May To allow my office to quantify information in order to better tell the CIC story and track CIC requirement completion, a 1)Google document and 2)a survey will be used to capture the required CIC data. All reported information in Google Doc must be supported by copies of agendas and sign-in sheets available for review in your CIC binder. Documents and procedures will be sent Friday, March 4 th. Receipt of both completed documents are required for stipend payment.
MAS Mentor/Mentee Relationship Updates It is important that your MAS Campus roster accurately reflects all the 2015/16 mentor/mentee relationships on your campus and the correct active or inactive status. Complete MAS roster updates by Friday, FEB. 12th. On Monday, Feb. 15th I will run the Spring campus MAS roster reports. Update MAS with any changes (new BT hires or BTs no longer on the campus) Indicate teachers that have left the campus -set the relationship to INACTIVE Indicate if mentor support ended in December -set the relationship to INACTIVE
FYI, December Stipend Payments The eligible mentors, completing all MAS and training requirements, paid first check in January. Mentors that submitted requests by Dec. 18 th (final deadline) may not have been paid for the following reasons: The beginning teacher was hired in August and therefore the mentor is not eligible until May 2016 to be paid. The mentor did not complete all online courses (more information in next bullet). All fall courses closed Dec. 8 th as communicated. These mentors will need to register and complete courses this semester. Review of completion of courses and payment will occur again when mentors are paid in the Spring.
Dec. Mentor Stipend Payment con’t The mentors that submitted requests but were not paid because they did not complete training/MAS logs will receive an from me during the week of Jan. 11 th which will identify the missing course(s). I will provide instructions for mentors to follow to correct any errors to my information. I will ask them to send me a screen shot of the course completion page from the HUB. Mentors should be aware that all information in the HUB is time stamped with date of registration and date documents were uploaded.
Individual Monitoring Charts
Individual Conferencing Charts
Campus Administration Liaison Thank you for communicating push-outs to designated targets (mentors, teachers, faculty) Thank you for your efforts to inform BTs of PD opportunities. As a result, there has been an increase in attendance.
Where are you in this picture?
Closing (CIC) Forum Structure Part D
Reflecting on the Training Complete the CAL Survey: What’s working? (What is going well so far this year?) What are your challenges/concerns? (Have there been any challenges or concerns that have been difficult to resolve?) What might be your next steps? (What might you do to address any pending concerns? How will you use what has been presented in this training?) What can I do for you? (What kind of continued or additional support would you like from Vanessa and Jean?)
Accountability Check-In Indicate on the CAL Survey (Check-In) the tasks that you have completed. Completed mentor/mentee relationships in MAS Documented conference with BT on One-on- One Conference sheet Visited BTs and documented on BT/Mentor Assignments and MAS Monitoring sheet Sent letter informing mentors of training requirements Informed BTs of Campus Forum #3 date Informed Mentors of Campus Forum #3 date