DENSITY How to measure and calculate
REVIEW Density is the amount of matter in a given area We calculate it by _ Mass_ Density = Volume Common units: Mass = g Volume = ml or cm 3 Density = g/ml or g/cm 3
PRACTICE PROBLEMS 1. If a block had a mass of 3.45g and volume of 290 ml, what is its density? 2. A mysterious liquid is ml and weighs 3 x 10 5 g. What is its density? 3. A bar of soap’s mass is 0.05kg and has a volume of 2.3 x 10 2 cm 3. What is its density? 4. A really smelly block of cheese has the mass of x ng. It’s volume is 400 cm 3 ? What is its density?
MORE PRACTICE! 5. A silver bell has the volume of cm 3. The density of silver is 10.5 g/cm 3. What is the mass of the bell? 6. A salt shaker contains 1.23 x 10 2 ml of salt. The density of salt is 2.16 g/cm 3. What is the mass of the salt? 7. A gold ring weighs 1.09 x 10 5 g. The density of gold is g/ml. What is the volume of the gold ring. 8. The density of lead is g/cm 3. A lead bar weights 3.49 x Mg. What is the volume of the bar?
HOMEWORK Read chapter 2.8 At the end of the chapter answer #83-85, 87, 90, Do #91 (but pretend all mass unit are g and all volume are ml or cm 3 ), 93, 94