KA HIKITIA Realising Māori Student Potential Knowing Our Learner Evidence informed decision making Kiri Rua School Support Services University of Waikato Trident High School,16/11/10
Our Inquiry question What is “Realising Māori Student Potential” and how is this connected to “Raising Māori Student Achievement”?
Learning Outcome Identify evidence of “Realising Māori Students’ Potential” and raising Māori students’ achievement Consider how this evidence counts in our curriculum decision making and pedagogical approach in the classroom
KA HIKITIA “ Māori students are more likely to achieve when they see themselves, their Whānau, hapu and iwi reflected in the teaching content and learning environment.”
Realising Māori Student Potential Raising Māori Student Achievement Knowing my student as a culturally located being. Knowing my student as a learner. Consider our evidence...
M āori Potential in Education Less focus on More focus on Remedying deficit Realising potential Problems of dysfunction Identifying opportunity Government Intervention Investing in people and local solutions Targeting deficit Tailoring education to the learner Māori as a minority Indigeneity and distinctiveness Instructing and informing Collaborating and co-constructing
Māori Enjoying Education Success as Māori Māori learners working with others to determine successful learning and education pathways. Māori learners excelling and successfully realising their cultural distinctiveness and potential
The teacher I liked best wasn’t Māori but he could’ve been. He know all about our stuff. Like he knew how to say my name. He never did dumb things like sitting on tables or patting you on the head. He knew about fantails in a room. He knew about tangi … all that sort of stuff. (Narratives, Te Kotahitanga)
Reflecting on our practice Where do we have agency? How culturally responsive are we? What could we do differently? How do we know we are making a difference for our Māori students? What is our evidence? What are our next steps?