Jones-Zimmermann Academic Mentoring Program Findings and Analysis Cohort 1 Trinity College/Hartford Magnet Middle School Sacred Heart University/Winthrop Middle School
The overall objectives of the Jones- Zimmermann Academic Mentoring Project : Encourage middle school students to aspire to higher education levels and to graduate from high school. Reduce high school "drop out" rates. Remediate competency in two foundational skill areas: language skills and mathematics quantitative skills. Build self-confidence and positive social values in tutored students. Develop an appreciation among college students for the teaching profession.
Methodology- Quantitative Data Collection Tracked students either by direct contact of the mentees or the district’s guidance counselors. Met with the Connecticut State Commission of Education. Contacted local High Schools Conducted an Electronic investigation, using Face- book,, and Used qualitative research data collected by Maria Castro, a doctoral student at ST. John’s University.
Findings and Results
High School Graduate32 Drop out2 Unknown2
Findings and Results High School Graduate53 Drop out4 Unknown6
Overview Corresponding Year to Grade for JZ Mentee Cohort Sacred Heart1 Sacred Heart2 Sacred Heart3Trinity1Trinity2Trinty3Yale1Yale grade9 grade6 grade12 grade9 grade6 grade8 grade College Freshman10 grade7 grade College Freshman10 grade7 grade9 grade6 grade College Sophomore11 grade8 grade College Sophomore11 grade8 grade10 grade7 grade College Junior12 grade9 gradeCollege Junior12 grade9 grade11 grade8 grade College Senior College Freshman10 gradeCollege Senior College Freshman10 grade12 grade9 grade College Sophomore11 grade College Sophomore11 grade College Freshman10 grade College Junior12 grade College Junior12 grade 11 grade College SeniorCollege Fresh College SeniorCollege Fresh 12 grade
Findings and Results Trinity College/Hartford Magnet Middle School
Findings and Results College Bound
Findings and Results Sacred Heart/Winthrop Middle School
Discussion What are the implications of these findings? Where do we go from here?
High School Dropout Rates National High School Graduation Rate at around 74% National High School Graduation Rate in nation’s 50 largest cities was 53% Bridgeport School District Graduation Rate at 68.5% Hartford School District Graduation Rate at 62.6% Connecticut High School Graduation Rate for Black males was 51.0% and Black females was 67.4% Connecticut High School Graduation Rate for Hispanic males was % and Hispanic females was 55.5%