School Works - Ministry of Education Progress Review 2015 and Way Forward to By Dr U G Y Abeysundara Director School Works
Content Introduction – Vision and Mission What did we do in 2015? o Procurement Plan and Progress Way forward to 2016 o Procurement Plan 2016 o Responsibilities of the Provinces and MOE o Nearest school is the best school Challenges
School Works- Ministry of Education Vision To make safe and comfortable built environment for the community of the educational establishments.
School Works- Ministry of Education Mission Committed to enforce engineering, architectural and environmental standards for sustainable constructions within the educational establishments.
What did we do in 2015? Proc Plan- Highlights New Works: Rs M Schools- Rs M Repairs to buildings- Rs M Completion of partly build, new const- Rs M NCOE s, TC s, Zonal ICT etc.- Rs M Completion of works from 2014 (Liabilities)- Rs M
What did we do in 2015? Financial Progress Utilization of allocation: 90% 97%, if all bills were paid
Progress (Liabilities) Tech Labs Allocation~ Rs M 982- Completed, 12- Nearly completing Facilitating learning spaces
Progress (Liabilities)- 250 Tech Faculties Allocation- Rs M 175- Completed, 47- Roof comp and progressing, 15- Second floor comp. Facilitating learning spaces
Progress- Repairs to Bldgs. 155 Schools- Rs M (CF + WB) Progress- 50% on average Safe and comfortable, learning environment within schools.
Progress- Constructions Comp of Partly built and, New - Rs. 740 M (CF) Manipai Hindu, Shanmuga Hindu, Ananda Shasthralaya, U B Wanninayake, Ibbagamuwa, Wellawa, Ananda College etc. Progress- 35% on average Facilitating learning spaces
Progress- Const. Hostels and Quarters Investment- Rs. 300 M (CF + WB) Hostels- MR/ St Thomas Girls, G/ Ripan Girls TQ- Meegahakiula, Neluwa etc., PQ- UB Wanninayake, Victoria College etc. Hostels: Progress~ 30 % TQ and PC: Progress~ 20 % Residential facilities within schools
Phase 1: Toilet facilities for 1160 schools Outright grant- Rs. 1.9M for female toilet block and Rs. 2M for Male: Total~ Rs. 2200M Progress~ 45% on average Progress- Sanitary Facilities
Progress- Special Edu Center Construction of Training Center at Veniwelkola- Gate, Fence, Boundary wall: Progress- 75% Admin Block, Repairs to quarters- Bidding Investment- Rs. 35 M Facilitating learning space for Special Education
Progress- Const Pirivena Buildgs Library and Office building- Seelamaha Arama; Gelioya, Minuwangoda, Korala Ima and Madiwela. Completed- 3, Completing-1(Korala Ima) Investment- Rs. 32 M Facilitating learning space for Seelamatha
Progress- NCOE s Comp works of NCOE Maharagama- Done, Upgrading 5 NCOEs; Pasdunrata, Bingiriya, Dambadeniya, Hapitigama and Mahaweli- Polgolla- Progress~ 25% on average Urgent repairs to hostels, lecture halls, toilets, water service etc. in all NCOE s- Progress~ 35% on average
Progress: NCOE- Maharagama; Opened Constructions completed 3 storied building with Lecture halls, Admin unit, Auditorium Computer Lab etc. Hostels Kitchen and Dining Hall Boundary wall, Gate etc.
Progress- NCOE- Pasdunrata Repairs to Admin Block- 3.2 M Completed Sanitary Facilities- 7.3 M: Progress- 40% Repairs to hostel, old office building halls, water supply system M: Progress- 30% Refurbishment of Auditorium, IT Lab, repairs to quarters other hostels, const of boundary wall, Main entrance etc.-74 M: Awarded- Dec 2015
Progress- Repairs to TC s Repairing buildings, toilets, water service etc. in all Teacher Centres: Progress- 50% on average Facilitating for Teacher Training, August 2015 on wards Investment- Rs. 50 M Safe and comfortable learning environment within Teachers Centres
Progress: ICT Centres Construction of 10 ICT centres in Education Zones 4- Works started, 6- Bidding Investment- Rs. 250 M Facilitating learning space for ICT teachers
Way forward to 2016 Proc Plan- Highlights New Works ~ Rs M Schools ~ Rs M; Start soon…. Repairs to buildings of 200 NS, Comp Partly built Special education buildings, Veniwelkola- SERC NCOE s, TC s, Zonal ICT etc.~ Rs. 2100M; Start soon Teachers centres Completion of works from 2015 (Liabilities) ~ Rs M
Responsibilities of the Provincial Education and the Engineering Departments..... Estimation of work Priority for: 1) Repairing of damaged roofs, walls, floors, electrical system etc. of buildings, 2) Repairs to toilets and bathrooms, and water supply systems and, then 3) Fence, gates etc. after assessing the need carefully. Way forward to 2016
Responsibilities of the Provincial Education and the Engineering Departments..... Estimation of work Officers need to discuss with the Principal of the school or the President of the NCOE to identify necessary repairs correctly. Way forward to 2016
Responsibilities of the Provincial Education and the Engineering Departments..... Estimation of work Include very good quality fittings, accessories etc. to ensure the durability of works. Refer to the Procurement Guideline (d) if it needs to specify a brand. Energy saving initiatives: Natural light, ventilation, solar power, LED bulbs etc. Way forward to 2016
Responsibilities of the Provincial Education and the Engineering Departments..... Procurement plan Meeting deadlines- Very important Regular monitoring- Must Maintaining the quality of work- Must Payments for WB funded- at the MOE Way forward to 2016
Guidelines for architects and engineers- Building norms, requirements, training etc. Design examples: buildings and other infrastructure Procuring works with the support of……. Responsibilities of the School Works- MOE
Support from provincial coordinators- MOE ProvinceNameTel No 1WesternEng. Ajantha Nandani (Colombo) Mrs. C. Weerasooriya (Kaluthara) Mr. A. S. Athukorala (Gampaha) CentralEng. Ajantha Nandani SouthernDr. U. G. Y. Abeysundara UvaMr. A. H. H.K. Weerakoon North WesternArch Miss C Somarathna SabaragamuwaArch Miss P Ranathunga EasternArch Mr. P. Wijesinghe NorthernDr. U. G. Y. Abeysundara North CentralMr.Kamal Athukorala Way forward to 2016
Way forward to 2016 Nearest school is the best school Idea- A School with modern facilities and well trained staff
Way forward to 2016 Nearest school is the best school
Components 1.Admin Building, Classrooms, Laboratories including ICT, Workshops, Library, Auditorium 2.Sanitary Facilities, Water Service 3.Playground, Pavilion, Hostels 4.Quarters Way forward to Nearest school is the best school
Auditorium Way forward to Nearest is the Best School
Challenges Completion of around 50 Billion (6 times as usual) worth of works island wide within an year. Human resources, materials, equipment Need to follow the ‘National Competitive Bidding’ procedure Restrictions for working hours in schools ‘Need analysis + Master plan’ for many schools yet to be completed
Any answers ???