California’s Policy Successes: A Collaborative Venture! Nancy Gelbard Department of Health Services Caroline Roberts California Department of Education November 2005
Significant successes this year! Many partners involved! Sponsors and key supporters included: Governor Superintendent /CDE California Center for Public Health Advocacy California School Boards Association PTA California Medical Association Many other business and education groups California’s Policy Success Stories
Senate Bill 12 School Food Nutrition Standards
Intent: Strengthens and implements nutrition standards for food sold anywhere on school campuses outside the school meal program. (K-12) Applies to all foods sold to students, including: A la carte Vending machines School stores School fundraisers
Senate Bill School Soda Ban Intent: Restricts the sale of beverages sold in schools From this To
Senate Bill 965 Types of beverages allowed: Fruit-based and vegetable-based drinks that are ≥ 50% fruit juice with no added sweeteners Water without added sweeteners Milk products – 2%, 1%, nonfat, soy, rice Electrolyte replacement drinks that contain ≤ 42 g of added sweetener/ 20oz.
Senate Bill 965 Specifies time factor during school day Addresses beverages sold ½ hour before start of school until ½ hour after end up school day Effective Date: By July 1, 2007 – 50% of beverages sold on campuses must meet criteria By July 1, 2009, 100% of beverages sold on campuses must meet criteria