Diversity in Dialogue Partners in Politics Opportunities and development
Forskellighed i dialog place nr. 2 Who am I - Johnny Kold oPrevious chair of the youth organisation of ULF (the Danish self advocacy organisation) oToday at this meeting I represent people with learning disabilities in Denmark. oI work as an administrative assistant in LEV.
Forskellighed i dialog place nr. 3 Diversity in Dialogue oThe project Diversity in Dialogue is a good project because it shows that it is possible to gain influence oThe project proves that it is possible to produce training material which people with learning disabilities understand. oThe project shows that politics and influence and is everybody’s business.
Forskellighed i dialog place nr. 4 Very nice, but not enough oThe project taught me many things, but still remains a lot oIt is difficult to understand what discrimination is about oSome kinds of discrimination is included in EU legislation and other kinds are not.
Forskellighed i dialog place nr. 5 It is also a matter of me oDiversity in Dialogue showed me that it is possible to be heard, that people take me seriously and that I can discuss and talk with politicians. oBut I have learned that I have to practice; I have to know how I do it.
Forskellighed i dialog place nr. 6 It must not end here oThe project finishes soon, but much more must happen oI would like to tell decision makers that people with learning disabilities have both rights and obligations oI want to learn more on Article 13 oI am ready – how about YOU?