Evaluating your position (organisational/personal) Planning for change (relevant to assignment 1)
Assessment requirements Ass 1. You will carry out an evaluative audit of your own current skills and knowledge in this area Ass 1 Presentation: Describe and critically evaluate the current use of technology in your subject area Ass 2 Produce a subject orientated interactive learning resource / package and a critical evaluation of its effectiveness in terms of teaching and learning.
Hooper and Reiber Where is your organisation? Where are you?
After Hooper and Rieber (1995) Familiarisation: My organisation/partnership is aware of the benefits of ICT and teachers have been trained in its use, but they rarely apply it in their teaching. Utilisation: My organisation is aware of the benefits of ICT and has begun to incorporate it into teaching, often “replacing” former activities with ICT alternatives. Integration: My organisation is familiar with effective use of ICT and teachers have integrated it into many aspects of their ongoing teaching. Teaching and learning have been enhanced in some areas. Reorientation: My organisation exploits the full potential of technology. Teachers use ICT-based approaches that could not easily be replicated by more “traditional” means. Evolution: My organisation has developed the creative possibilities of the ICT in ways that have transformed approaches to teaching and learning.
Places ICT plus education = ? Organisational infrastructure mediating and moderating factors
Policy and curriculum big picture? Any DRIVERS FOR CHANGE? How does ubiquitous technology fit?
Innovations, sustainability? Depth How do you get it to impact on classrooms and in different contexts beliefs and attitudes Transfer: How do you get people to own Coburn C. E. (2003) Scope -How do you get a critical mass of people trying this out and changing practice?
Putting Learners first - at the heart of what we do Agency ChoiceAspiration Opportunity/diver sity Knowledge about
Pedagogies Claxton Vygotsky Active/Problem Communities of practice (Wenger 1998) Personalisation What’s your pedagogic approach and does it need to change to match learners preference? Kay (2009) Next generation user skills
Prensky, m. (2001)Digital Game-Based Learning 1. Twitch speed vs. conventional speed 2. Parallel processing vs. linear processing 3. Graphics first vs. text first 4. Random access vs. step-by-step 5. Connected vs. standalone 6. Active vs. passive 7. Play vs. work 8. Payoff vs. patience 9. Fantasy vs. reality 10. Technology-as-friend vs. technology-as-foe
Affordances Individuals Digital Sapians People Immigrants Natives
Activity 1 Subject SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
3. Force field analysis Proposed Change 55 Forces FOR change Forces AGAINST change
Activity 2 Working in pairs Decide on one issue of weakness from you SWOT analysis. Then describe it in future terms Now draw up a Force Field analysis for your own situation. Be prepared to share issues, which arise.
Resistance to Change Self-Interest Where someone has achieved status, privilege or self-esteem through effective use of an old system, they may see your plan as a threat. Fear of the Unknown People may be uncertain of their abilities to learn new skills, their aptitude with new systems, or their ability to take on new roles.
Resistance to change Differing Perceptions People may sincerely believe that you are wrong. They may view the situation form a different viewpoint, or may have aspirations for themselves or the organisation that are fundamentally opposed to yours. Remember that different people in different jobs will have different perceptions of a situation.
Resistance to change Suspicion People may not trust you. Conservatism Organisations or people may simply be opposed to change. This can result from a feeling that everything is OK.
Digital habits yours and learners for week 2 Useful resources