Prof. Jk LEE/security1 Secure Encryption Systems 암호화복호화 공통비밀키 암호시스템
Prof. Jk LEE/security2 3.Secure Encryption Systems Symmetric encryption Asymmetric encryption Encryption algorithms DES,RSA and El Gamal Hash algorithms Clipper
Prof. Jk LEE/security3 Hard Problems:complexity NP-complete problems: easy to state,no hard understand, straight forward to solve satisfiability: true or false Knapsack: target Clique: a graph in which each vertex is connected to every other vertex
Prof. Jk LEE/security4 Characteristics of NP-complete problems The class P and NP NP-completeness and Cryptography
Prof. Jk LEE/security5 Properties of Arithmetic Primes Greatest common divisor Modular arithmetic Properties of Modular Arithmetic Fermat’s theorem Algorithm for computing Inverses
Prof. Jk LEE/security6 Public key encryption Systems Proposed by Diffie and Hellman 1976 Merkle-Hellman knapsacks Rivest-Shamir-Adelman(RSA) Encryption El Gamal and Digital Signature Algorithms Hash Algorithms
Prof. Jk LEE/security7 Symmetric systems(SS) Symmetric systems(SS) Single key system-->symmetric system problem of ss: if the key revealed? Distribution of key? The number of keys increase? Weak about the attack?
Prof. Jk LEE/security8 DES( data Encryption Standard ) Developed by US gov. for use by the general public Plain text:64bit key: 56bit
Prof. Jk LEE/security9 Using Encryption:protocols and Practices
Prof. Jk LEE/security10 Distributed center for EI
Prof. Jk LEE/security11 Cycles of Substituition and Permutation
Prof. Jk LEE/security12 A Cycle in the DES
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Prof. Jk LEE/security16 Key transformation
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Prof. Jk LEE/security18 P-Boxs
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Prof. Jk LEE/security20
Prof. Jk LEE/security21 Decryption Decryption
Prof. Jk LEE/security22 DES 에 관한 우려사항 56 비트 키 사용에 관한 우려 DES 알고리즘의 성질에 관한 우려