GIG Open up your textbook to page 50, and read MY PLANET DIARY. Complete the question with a partner. 2.Put sticky note in notebook where homework is located 3.Put them at the end of the table.
Foldable Classifying Minerals Naturally Occurring Solid Crystal Structure Forms by Inorganic Processes Definite Chemical Composition
Minerals Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and definite chemical composition. 5 properties that a substance must have to be classified as a mineral. – Naturally occurring – Solid – Crystal structure – Formed by inorganic processes – Definite chemical composition
Naturally Occurring All minerals are substances that are formed by natural processes. – Quarts forms naturally as molten material called magma cools and hardens beneath Earth’s surface.
Solid A mineral is always a solid, with a definite volume and shape.
Crystal Structure The particles of a mineral line up in a pattern that repeats over and over again. The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a crystal. A crystal has flat sides called faces that meet at sharp edges and corners
Formed by Inorganic Processes All minerals must be able to form by inorganic processes. – Material that makes up the mineral cannot have come from living things Coal is not a mineral it is a rock
Definite Chemical Composition A mineral has a definite chemical composition What this means is that a mineral always contain certain elements in definite proportions. Quartz always contains one atom of silicon for every two atoms of oxygen.
GIG Open up your books to page 52 and complete ASSESS YOUR UNDERSTANDING questions 1a- 1b. 2.Write the questions in your notebooks and then the answers
2 Foldables Density Crystal Structure Cleavage Fracture Color Streak Luster Hardness
Identifying Minerals Geologists have identified about 3,800 minerals. These 3,800 minerals can be identified by their unique properties. To identify minerals geologists several characteristics. 1.Color 5. Density 2.Streak 6. Crystal Structure 3.Luster7. Cleavage and Fracture 4.Hardness
Color- Most easily observed but often provides little insight into the true identity of the mineral. Different minerals may be the same color and the same mineral can be range of colors.
Streak Test- The streak of the mineral is the color of the powder. You preform a streak test by rubbing a mineral against an unglazed porcelain tile. The streak of the mineral is always the same color.
Luster- Term used to describe how light is reflected from a minerals surface.
Hardness- Freidrich Mohs invented a hardness test, where geologists scratch the mineral against another mineral. A mineral can scratch any mineral softer than itself, but can be scratched by any mineral that is harder.
Density – Each mineral has a specific density (density is the mass in a given space) Quartz = 2.6 g/cm 3 Diamond = 3.5 g/cm 3
Crystal Structure – The atoms that make up a mineral line up in a regular pattern. The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles forms a solid called a crystal.
Cleavage and Fracture – A mineral that splits easily along flat surfaces has the property called cleavage. – Mica splits into flat sheets Most minerals do not split apart evenly. Instead they fracture. Fracture is irregular breakage Quartz produces curved, shell-like breaks
GIG Open up your books to page Read about How minerals form Write and answer the following questions into your notebook. 1.What are three different ways minerals form? 2.What is a geode and how does it form? 3.How do crystals form from solution?
1. What are three different ways minerals form? 1.Organic processes – When clams and corals create shells from the mineral calcite 2.Minerals from solution – A saturated solution with compounds that form minerals can evaporate to form crystals. – Halite (sea water – sea salt crystals) 3.Crystallize as magma and lava cools. – When minerals from hot magma cools inside the crust or on Earth’s surface. m/watch?v=O7yfx0ejELg
2. What is a geode and how does it form? Geodes are rounded hollow rock that is often lined with mineral crystals. Crystals form inside a geode when water containing dissolved minerals slowly seep into a crack in a rock.
Making Salt Crystals Each Student needs the following – 1 cup – write your name on it in permanent marker – String – Stick – 3 pipe cleaners – Food coloring – 2 cups of hot water – 9 tablespoons of borax – Plastic wrap
Procedures: Follow the steps in order 1.Put your name on a cup 2.Put 2 cups of hot water into your cup 3.Add 5-10 drops of food color and stir 4.Add 9 tbsp. of borax to water, stir until dissolved 5.Shape your pipe cleaner and then attach string to one edge. 6.Have the shape hang from string on the stick so that it is suspended in the center and not touching the sides. It must be submerged. 7.Cover the cup and stick with plastic wrap. 8.Put it on a table in the storage room.
1.Pull out your notebooks and a writing tool 1.Paste your quiz into your notebook – good luck!