Kahoot! Kahoot! is a game-based classroom response system that can use laptops, chromebooks, iPads, or any electronic device. Teachers can create quizzes, surveys, and discussion questions or borrow them from another Kahoot! user. The best part is that students do not have to have a dedicated login to play.
Plickers Plickers is very similar to Kahoot! in that teachers can create questions for informal or formal assessments, but does not require that students have an electronic device. Students instead use Plicker cards and rotate them in specific directions (to give the correct answer) while the teacher scans the room with their own device.
Jeopardy Rocks Allows the user to create an online jeopardy game. The can build a game by creating a unique URL and inputting an address with a password. The address and password allows the user to continue working on the game if they are not finished.
Gradecam Gradecam is an online software that allows teachers to use their webcameras or document cameras to scan student scantron sheets for instant grading. Teachers input student information (once at the beginning of the year), customize scantron sheets (by the number of questions), print them and are ready to go!
cK-12 This resource includes online textbooks that can be personalized, simulations, videos, reading excerpts and quizzes for students in the areas of science and math.
How to Study This site provides resources for students and teachers to teach students how to study better.
CamScanner This tool allows you scan forms and documents using the camera on your phone and convert them into PDF documents that you can them .
Zamzar This site focuses on converting files. A lot of people use this site for video files, but it can also be used to convert virtually any file type.
YouTube Hints Zamzar no longer works to convert YouTube videos, but if you use the shortcut seen here: Copy and paste the YouTube web address: BM_k Add SS in front of and you will be directed to a site where you can download the video. ss QukBM_k ss QukBM_k
Remind This is an awesome tool that can be used to help teachers communicate with students and parents. You can use it to send homework reminders, classwork assignments, and more! Sign up is simple and easy!